Learn the basics of using Microsoft Teams for your studies

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform you'll use to engage in communication, collaboration and learning at Macquarie University.


Microsoft Teams enables communication, collaboration and learning by providing:

  • chat
  • voice and video calling
  • file sharing and storage
  • integration with Microsoft 365 applications
  • task and project management tools (when assigned by a staff member to a Microsoft Teams group).

Microsoft Teams basics

Discover how to use the basic features of Microsoft Teams using the training guides and videos below:

For additional guidance using Microsoft Teams please visit the Microsoft Teams Support page.

Certain Microsoft Teams features have been limited for Macquarie University students, to ensure effective and responsible use, without impacting functionality. This includes the ability to:

  • create teams or channels
  • organise official meetings (without required permissions)
  • share screen, present, mute or remove participants in learning and teaching activities (unless enabled by presenter)
  • schedule meetings and events (enabled following migration to Microsoft Outlook)
  • delete any messages in channels or chats.

Using Microsoft Teams effectively

  • Not all staff use Microsoft Teams. You are required to confirm the preferred communication channels with University staff before contacting them via Microsoft Teams.
  • Email is the formal communication channel used by the University
  • Be mindful that response times to Teams messages will vary.
  • Microsoft Teams cannot be used to bypass University processes or procedures.
  • Use @Mentions to get an individual or channel’s attention. NOTE: when you @ your team, everyone will get a notification (don’t overuse this feature).
  • Keep track of conversation threads by using ‘Reply’ rather than ‘Start a conversation.’
  • Students can utilise the available applications within Microsoft Teams, however approval requests for additional applications will not be granted.

Accessing Microsoft teams

As students of Macquarie, you will be able to access Microsoft Teams by signing into the application using your Macquarie Student email address and OneID password.  NOTE: you will need to set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to enable access. Accessing Microsoft Teams with a non-Macquarie account will restrict your ability to join certain Teams or access specific content.

For the best Microsoft Teams experience, you will need to download and install the Microsoft Teams application. An online version is also available. To sign in to Microsoft Teams enter your Macquarie email and OneID password when prompted. If the is a Multifactor authentication request, please use your Microsoft Authenticator app.

By using Microsoft Teams, you agree to comply with the Macquarie University Acceptable use policy and the Student Code of Conduct. To report any misconduct or inappropriate behaviour on Microsoft Teams please submit a report.