Student Employment Service

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  4. Student Employment Service

Access paid employment opportunities

Macquarie Student Employment (MQSE) helps facilitate paid employment opportunities on and off-campus for students.

Hear from our students

Our student employment service provides students access to a range of convenient and relevant paid employment opportunities. Paid employment enhances your employability and helps develop a range of transferable skills that will be useful once you graduate.

You may even secure a graduate opportunity!

While providing students access to a range of convenient and relevant paid employment opportunities, we also provide employers targeted access to our talent pool of student candidates. For employers, student candidates represent a flexible, skilled and scalable addition to your workforce.

Student in professional attire walking while using a laptop with a female adviser on the leftInformation for students

Combining study and work

Employers tell us they prefer to hire graduates with work experience.

Working while you study will help you:

  • learn new skills
  • ease the cost of studying
  • build your resume
  • meet new people
  • develop your network
  • experience different working environments

You may even secure a graduate opportunity!

Discover MQSE on Employability Connect

Visit Employability Connect to find out more about the Macquarie Student Employability Service and how connecting with MQSE can help you find a job.

Connect with MQSE

Female student in red-striped blouse using an iPadBenefits of connecting with MQSE:

  • Personalised feedback from our Student Talent Advisors on your resume and cover letter
  • Experience and preparedness for recruitment processes that include selection techniques used by employers
  • Clarify requirements and details about jobs listed with MQSE
  • Constructive feedback and coaching to develop your confidence
  • Priority access to some job opportunities and presentations from employers
  • Receive coaching from a MQSE Talent Advisor

Speak to a MQSE Talent Advisor.

Female employer in black suit standing with arms tucked inInformation for employers

MQSE is a free service which makes it easy for employers to access and connect with high calibre,  student candidates.

Employing students

Employing students will allow you to:

  • make a valuable contribution to the future of Australia’s workforce
  • bring the latest training, skills and methodologies into your workplace.

Employers tell us how impressed they are with our students’ problem solving and communication skills, collaboration and innovative ideas.

Our services

Whether you are looking to build a pipeline of future talent or need some assistance with a task or project, MQSE can assist.

Services we provide include:

  • advising on job design and appropriate hourly rates
  • writing ads for your role and promoting it to our students
  • targeted recruitment of students with specialised skills
  • shortlisting student candidates.

Text reads: Funded by SSAF Student Services and Amenities Fees

Macquarie Student Employment Service Check out jobs, upload your resume for feedback. Access career and employability resources. Online career tools Workshops and events PACE placements