Looking for a job

  1. Students
  2. Careers
  3. Looking for a job

Improve your job search strategy

We’ll help you maximise your job search - from your first year at Macquarie to after you graduate.

We can assist you in finding casual or part-time work, an internship, or graduate employment.

Students with a disability

Tips to help you decide when and how to disclose your disability in a job application or interview.

Hidden job market

Some jobs are filled without being advertised. This is commonly referred to as the hidden job market. To help you access this market, we've provided some tips about networking with, researching, and approaching employers.

International students

Macquarie offers dedicated careers support to develop international students' employability and professional skills to get them job-ready for Australia, or overseas.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students

The Macquarie University Cadetship program offers a unique opportunity for Macquarie's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to gain paid practical work experience that is relevant to their degree and in their chosen field of study.

Support for graduates

Getting a job after your graduation can be stressful. We've provided some useful tips and resources to help you out.

Access career and employability resources. Get help with your career, finding a job or your PACE unit