Meet the team

  1. Students
  2. Careers
  3. Get career ready
  4. Meet the team

Meet the Graduate Futures team

You can visit our Careers, PACE, and MQSE staff on campus face-to-face now at Learning Connect. Delivered by Careers and Student Employment and The Writing Centre, we can help you with job searching, resume writing, interview preparation and preparing for your PACE placement, as well as develop your academic writing, communication, English Language and study skills. You'll find us on the ground floor of 18 Wally's Walk to the left of Service Connect as you walk in. Our staff is on site Monday to Thursday 10am-4pm during S1 and S2.

Our Careers team provides resources, online tools, employer presented workshops and personalised coaching. They are focused on supporting students to:

  • consider career options and planning,
  • develop employability skills,
  • understand what employers are looking for,
  • navigate recruitment processes and how to stay in work regardless of changes and disruptions.

Our MQ Student Employment program was introduced two years ago and has grown significantly.  This team operates as a free recruitment service for hiring managers in the university and outside the university.  We find students paid employment – casual, temp, part-time, full-time and graduate roles. As part of this program, students get coaching and recruitment support as well as personalised feedback if they are unsuccessful.

The PACE & Employability team, look after the work integrated learning and industry experience. This is an essential part of all undergraduate degrees at Macquarie University and we do this through our flagship program called PACE (which stands for Professional & Community Engagement).  In every undergraduate degree, students need to take at least one PACE unit and this work integrated learning experience will connect the theory of their studies to professional workplace practice.  It might be an internship, placement or an industry project that is presented and reviewed by an external partner.

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