
  1. Students
  2. Support
  3. Personal support
  4. Medical

Student Health

Student Health is a GP service for students currently enrolled at Macquarie University.

Book a same-day appointment; there’s no need to plan ahead.

Appointments are 15 minutes and suitable for one issue per appointment. Complex issues may require a follow-up appointment.

Student Health is available Monday to Friday, and is located at Suite 305, Level 3, 2 Technology Place, Macquarie University.

Book an appointment now

For regular GP services, contact MQ Health General Practice on 02 9812 3944.

For other health care services, see below.

MQ Health

MQ Health offers high-quality health services for common, complex and rare medical conditions.

We seek to ensure that our patients receive accurate diagnoses, high-quality care and better health outcomes.

Our services

Our health services consist of:

Find a service or clinic

For more information about MQ Health's services or to find a clinic, visit our services page.

Find a health professional

To find or contact a health professional, visit our health professionals page.

2 Technology Place
Macquarie University NSW 2109
MQ Health Macquarie University Hospital Wellness services