After graduation

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  3. Graduation
  4. After graduation

Get support as an alumni

Your journey at Macquarie University doesn't have to end once you graduate. Find out how you can connect with your alumni community, pursue further study and receive graduate support below.

Macquarie alumni

As a graduate from Macquarie, you're a part of the alumni community of over 234,000 graduates in over 150 countries.

Welcome to the Macquarie University Alumni Community

Share your graduation day memories

Graduates posing in front of the fountainWe encourage all graduates to share their graduation moments with us. Use #mqgrads on Twitter and Instagram for a retweet/repost.

Further study

Further your study at Macquarie and gain an edge in your career with our postgraduate degrees.

Graduate support

Congratulations on graduating from Macquarie University!

We provide a range of services and support for you after you graduate.

Career support

Visit our graduate career support page for more information about the career services available to you.

Alumni benefits

As a Macquarie alumni, you'll be able to access library services, discounts to postgraduate studies, and discounts to the Sport and Aquatic Centre.

International students

If you are an international student and are interested in remaining in Australia, find out:

Wellbeing support

Whilst the next chapter of your life unfolds, here are some services you can access if you need wellbeing support:

Meet fellow Macquarie graduates and get support. Find answers to common questions or chat with us! Twitter Instagram Facebook