Governance structure
Macquarie has endeavoured to ensure that all strategic activities have governance oversight through its hierarchy of governance committees.
Macquarie University is made up of a Council, Professors and Academic Staff, graduates and students. Responsibilities and functions are bestowed upon specific committees under the Macquarie University Act 1989 and the Macquarie University By-law 2005 [PDF 266KB]. This is to ensure the University can achieve its stated goals, that is, to promote:
- scholarship
- research
- free inquiry
- the interaction of research and teaching
- academic excellence
Find out more about the different committees that make up Macquarie's governance system.
University representation
The foundations on which the university is instituted and managed depend on and are the responsibility of the university representative bodies:
- Executive group – the decision-making body,
- Macquarie University Council – in charge of controlling and managing University affairs and rules that govern it
- Academic Senate – the main academic body of Macquarie University.
Learn more about how these university representation bodies operate and have an impact on management, policy and academic matters.
Faculty representation
Academic decisions are heavily influenced by the advice provided by the Faculty boards. From the creation or implementation of changes to courses or programs of study to teaching effectiveness and student academic results, Faculty Boards have significant responsibility for a range of academic, research and higher degree research matters.