Political and Social Justice

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  2. Uni life
  3. Clubs and societies
  4. Political and Social Justice

Become an informed global citizen

Get involved in student politics or social causes that will make an impact on the wider community.

Student Group Name


Effective Altruism

Effective altruism is a philosophy and social movement that applies evidence and reason in determining the most effective ways to improve the world. Effective Altruists are concerned with questions such as: To which charity should I donate in order to have the greatest effect? What causes are most worthy of my time and attention?

LifeChoiceOur aim is to promote the dignity of human life from conception to natural death, through reasonable and informed discussion on the issues of abortion and euthanasia in Australian society. We organise regular educational and social events which provide a fun and safe environment in which to discuss these important issues. If you're Interested in joining LifeChoice, or would like more information and keep updated with our latest news, follow our Facebook group.
Macquarie United Nations SocietyThe Macquarie United Nations Society is a group of students who are passionate about international affairs and global politics. We participate in Model United Nations conferences, to gain a real insight on the hard and rewarding work that international delegates and diplomats do everyday to ensure that our world is thriving in all respects. We also give Macquarie University students and Sydney school students the tools and means to ask the bigger questions about the international society that we live in and how we as individuals can make a bigger difference than we may have first thought.
MQ Socialists are one of the most active campus clubs. We discuss anti-capitalist politics and do activism around social justice. We hold political meetings discussing socialist politics, world events and radical history. We have organised countless protests on campus and in the city for the climate, abortion rights, justice for refugees and for education. Contact us to get involved with anti-capitalist activism!