
  1. Students
  2. Careers
  3. Get career ready
  4. Planning

Create your Career Plan

Give your studies direction and set your career goals by creating a career plan.

Plan your career with Employability Connect

Learn how Employability Connect can help you develop your career plan through your degree.

Use the MQ Career Planner [PDF 354KB] to guide and organise your career research.

Developing a career plan is a four-step process:

  1. Understand yourself
  2. Research your career options
  3. Get experience
  4. Set career goals

Once you've got an action plan, be sure to act on it, adjusting it for each stage of your studies.

First year

  1. Prepare your application documents and attend our Resume Rescue workshops advertised on Employability Connect.
  2. Find a casual/part-time job to build your interpersonal and technical skills and gain an understanding of the working world.
  3. Join a degree-related student group and get involved.
  4. Start volunteering in your field of interest through websites listed on CareerWISE.

Mid degree

  1. Develop discipline-specific skills through work placements, volunteering, or a part-time job.
  2. Apply for vacation work or internships.
  3. Attend one of our career programs.
  4. Start to build your e-portfolio, including LinkedIn, writing a blog and application documents.

Final year – soon to graduate

  1. Fine-tune your application documents. Visit our Resume Rescue workshops for help.
  2. Complete a degree-related internship or PACE placement.
  3. Define employers and industries of choice, make initial contact, network (employer evenings, employer presentations or competitions) and research the area.
  4. Attend our Graduate Careers Fairs or other industry-specific fairs.
  5. Start applying for graduate programs early in the year (February/March).
  6. Attend our workshops that are relevant to your area of need listed on Employability Connect.


If you are a Macquarie graduate, you can still access our resources and job listings for up to 12 months after you have completed your degree.

Register your career appointments, upcoming events and workshop, and academic commitments on the 2022 Career and Study Planner.

Career resources, employability tools and job opportunities MyMQ Career Zone Student groups Networking Job websites