
  1. Students
  2. Careers
  3. Online career tools
  4. ePortfolio

Showcase your achievements

Employers like to see evidence of your skills! Find out how to set up an ePortfolio and use it effectively to showcase your learning, skills, and professional development throughout your studies.

When you apply for jobs, employers look for real examples and evidence of your skills and capabilities. An ePortfolio is a personal website and digital collection of evidence that shows your learning and professional development over time.

Developing your ePortfolio will give you a single place to record all your achievements. Most importantly, the development of your ePortfolio requires you to reflect on your learning journey and yourself, which is beneficial for defining your career goals, building your employability skills, and successfully marketing your strengths to future employers.

Benefits of an ePortfolio

An ePortfolio can help you

  • develop new or deeper learning, which results in higher grades
  • help you develop a better sense of yourself as a student and as an individual
  • be shared with prospective employers (through your resume or LinkedIn profile)
  • and showcase your achievements when you are applying for a job.

ePortfolio platforms

You could use LinkedIn, Squarespace, Google sites, Wix, Weebly, Behance or WordPress to create your ePortfolio. Aim for a professional and polished look.


Within your ePortfolio you can curate and showcase your educational achievements, projects, and competencies. Your ePortfolio allows you to upload images, videos, documents, and other digital artefacts.

We recommend you add the following sections to your ePortfolio:

  • A profile shot and background picture
  • A title, e.g., Biomedical Researcher or Data Analyst with a keen interest in AI
  • An introduction/ bio / summary or About Me page to introduce yourself. Include some brief information about yourself, what you have to offer, what drives / motivates you, what you are looking for and anything else you want employers to know about you. Ensure to describe your skills and experiences in a clear and succinct manner.
  • Your educational qualifications and achievements
  • Your professional experience
  • Your accomplishments to showcase specific achievements you made
  • Relevant technical and professional skills
  • Information on professional associations or student groups you have been involved in and extracurricular activities you have undertaken

Keep in mind who will be viewing your profile and the impression you would like to create. Align your profile with your desired career pathway.

You can also:

  • Upload your resumé and make it visible to potential employers
  • Show the units you have taken and attach projects you have completed during your studies and your accomplishments
  • Use it as part of your preparation for an interview to clearly demonstrate how, when, and where you’ve developed skills – it’s a great source of STAR examples
  • Showcase projects you have completed such as clinical studies, research and lab reports, and essays. Just keep in mind that whatever you choose to showcase is relevant to the professional image you are crafting. The more projects you showcase, the better understanding an employer will gain of who you are professionally. Add evidence / artefacts such as images, blog entries, graphics, videos, reflections or other media.
  • Provide evidence of employability skills such as project management, leadership, and information management by adding files, media, and images.
  • Add recommendation statements or recommendation letters

Your ePortfolio can be creative, fun and dynamic. You should keep expanding and enhancing your ePortfolio. Add more examples as you complete assessments, units and employability-related activities.

Privacy settings

Remember to check your privacy settings. Only share what you are comfortable with sharing on the world wide web. Ensure you do not include sensitive information such as your address or student number.

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