Financial support

  1. Students
  2. Support
  3. Personal support
  4. Financial support

Cover the costs of study

It can be difficult to focus on your study, your goals or anything when money is tight or almost non-existent. We provide various financial support initiatives that may be appropriate for your situation.

Domestic fee assistance

Payment options

To pay for your degree, you may consider taking out a HECS-HELP loan (you must be a Commonwealth supported student) or a FEE-HELP loan (you must be paying domestic tuition fees).

Welfare Service

At Student Wellbeing, the Welfare Service can assist you with:

We also can refer you to external services to help you with:

  • dealing with debt and creditors
  • financial counselling services

Bring any relevant documentation along to your appointment, for example:

  • financial statements
  • debt notices
  • letters from Centrelink
Welfare Service
16 University Avenue
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Support services to help you through financial hardship. Domestic fee assistance