Cover the costs of study
It can be difficult to focus on your study, your goals or anything when money is tight or almost non-existent. We provide various financial support initiatives that may be appropriate for your situation.
Domestic fee assistance
Payment options
To pay for your degree, you may consider taking out a HECS-HELP loan (you must be a Commonwealth supported student) or a FEE-HELP loan (you must be paying domestic tuition fees).
Welfare Service
At Student Wellbeing, the Welfare Service can assist you with:
- budgeting and saving strategies/dealing with debt
- access to emergency loans
- scholarships (applications and conditions)
- Youth Allowance/Austudy issues
- access to emergency vouchers for groceries or study related items
We also can refer you to external services to help you with:
- dealing with debt and creditors
- financial counselling services
Bring any relevant documentation along to your appointment, for example:
- financial statements
- debt notices
- letters from Centrelink
16 University Avenue
Macquarie University NSW 2109