Your mental health
Student Wellbeing services at Macquarie are here to help you thrive while you study.
- Emergency Assistance: Contact a service that offers phone or online counselling, or support with mental health.
- Study Disruption
- Talk to someone: Submit a CARE form to Student Wellbeing at Macquarie.
We provide assistance to students 24/7, every day of the year.
Our staff will discuss your concerns, help to identify what can help, and work with you to plan what to do next.
Our services include:
- Online mental wellbeing support
- Counselling and mental health support
- Accessibility and disability support
- Safety advice (including support regarding sexual assault, sexual harassment and relationship abuse)
- Financial concerns, legal issues, work problems, and relationships
Our staff have ALLY training.
Staff working with the service speak Mandarin and Cantonese. If you would like a translator, please let us know. Translators are a free service.
Speak to staff at Student Wellbeing
Submit a CARE form.
One of our staff will contact you, to discuss what's concerning you, and how we can help.
Urgent assistance
During business hours, you can call Student Wellbeing reception on +61 2 9850 7497 to request a short, same-day appointment, to discuss your situation.
If your concern does not require a same-day response, submit a CARE form, and we'll contact you.
After hours help
If you need some help outside of business hours, call 1800 CARE MQ (1800 2273 67).
Staff will discuss what is concerning you, and provide immediate assistance if that's needed.
If you need emergency assistance, call 000.
For external support, read more on our emergency contacts page.
1800 Respect
The 1800 RESPECT provides information to access support, safety planning and care, with contact via phone, SMS and online chat available.
No matter what your situation (including domestic violence), or when the abuse occurred, 1800 RESPECT has counselling and resources to support you.
Being healthy, comfortable and happy is the foundation for achieving your goals. Check out our resources and make the most of your uni life.
16 University Avenue
Macquarie University NSW 2109