
  1. Students
  2. Support
  3. Complaints

Make a complaint to the University

You can make a complaint about anything that negatively affects your studies or experience as a student at Macquarie.

You can make a complaint individually, anonymously or as a group. If a complaint is made anonymously, the University may not be able to resolve it formally.

If you do not have a complaint but would like to provide general feedback to Macquarie, visit our Feedback page.

Making a complaint

Student complaints are managed in accordance with a four-level approach to resolution, as follows:

  • Level 1: Informal complaint resolution
  • Level 2: Formal complaint resolution
  • Level 3: Internal review
  • Level 4: External review

Macquarie encourages the informal resolution of complaints. However, matters can be escalated by students or the University to other complaints management processes as appropriate.

View the Complaint Handling Policy for Students and Members of the Public and the Complaint Handling Procedure for Students and Members of the Public for detailed information about the complaints resolution process.

If your concern is older than twelve (12) months, the University may not be able to investigate it. You can contact the Complaints, Appeals and Discipline team for additional information regarding concerns older than twelve (12) months.

You can withdraw your complaint in writing at any time, but the University may continue to investigate the matter where it is in the best interest of the University and student community to do so.


Details of your complaint may be shared with other University staff on a ‘need-to-know’ basis to enable resolution. If your complaint is about a person’s behaviour, details of your complaint may also be shared with that person so that they can respond.

Confidential records of your complaint will be maintained in accordance with the Records and Information Management Policy.

If you have concerns about the confidentiality of information that you are providing, you should contact Student Advocacy and Support to discuss the issues involved.

Advice and support

If you require advice or support during the complaints process, you are encouraged to contact one of the following student support teams.

  • Student Advocacy: Get advice and support on the complaints process.
  • Student Wellbeing: Contact Student Wellbeing if you wish to discuss, confidentially, how the situation is affecting you, your options or your decision about what to do. It is very important to contact Student Wellbeing if you feel your safety is at risk.
  • Sexual assault and harassment: Seek advice and support if you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault or harassment.

Other university processes

Sexual harassment and sexual assault

If your complaint is about sexual harassment or sexual assault, you should contact Student Wellbeing in the first instance for support and information about your options.


Appeals against academic decisions made by the University are dealt with in accordance with the Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure. Find out more about the University’s appeals process.

Understand the terms used in the complaints process. Feedback Student Advocacy Appeals Report inappropriate behaviour