Stopping study

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  3. Break from study
  4. Stopping study

Withdrawing from your course

If you no longer want to continue your course at Macquarie, you might need to apply for Withdrawal and Release.

Before you apply

Here are some things to be mindful of:

  • If you take a break of less than 12 months:
  • Anyone wanting to return after a break of more than 12 months will need to reapply.
  • If you want to study fewer units per study period, you may be eligible to reduce your study load.

Did you know? If you have no recorded results in your course at Macquarie, you are not 'effectively enrolled'.

You may be able to defer your offer or will need to reapply if you want to study with us.

To request Withdrawal and Release you must:

  • be on a student visa
  • have no outstanding debts or fines
  • have exceptional circumstances (as outlined in the policy)
Request to withdraw from your course Read our articles about withdrawing from study at Macquarie Find answers to common questions or chat with us! Stopping study policy Withdrawal form eStudent Withdraw from units without penalty