Student Services and Amenities Fee

  1. Students
  2. Finances
  3. Fees
  4. Student Services and Amenities Fee

Creating rewarding student experiences

The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is a government approved fee that allows universities to charge for student services and amenities of a non-academic nature.

SSAF initiatives

The SSAF funds the following student initiatives:

SSAF supported services are available to all Macquarie students regardless of how and where they study. We encourage all our students to engage with these services to their full advantage.

2025 SSAF

Student Cohort

2024 fees

2025 fees


Per year

Per half year

Per year

Per half year

Undergraduate Coursework Students Full Time





Undergraduate Coursework Students Part Time





Postgraduate Coursework Students Full Time





Postgraduate Coursework Students Part Time





MQUC Diploma and Undergraduate Certificate students –
Full-time (6 terms)

$58.50 per term


MQUC Diploma and Undergraduate Certificate students –
Part-time (6 terms)

$43.88 per term


MQUC Diploma and Undergraduate Certificate students –
Full-time (5 terms)


$73 per term

MQUC Diploma and Undergraduate Certificate students –
Part-time (5 terms)


$54.75 per term

MQBS Post Grad students – Full-time (4 terms)

$87.75 per term

$91.25 per term

MQBS Post Grad students – Part-time (4 terms)

$65.81 per term

$68.43 per term

Non-award students, including Study Abroad, Incoming Exchange and non-award, MQC Foundation Program and Intensive Program, English Language Centre (ELC) students, Open Universities Australia students, Gifted and Talented Program, Conveyancing program, HSC-University Pathway for Talented Students, Global MBA, Grad Cert/Grad Dip/MAF- Melbourne only and Cross Institutional students





Higher Degree Research students (Excluding Bachelor of Philosophy)





SSAF is payable or to be deferred by the census date for each of your sessions/terms. To view your census date, see the calendar of dates.

View your SSAF

If the SSAF fee applies to you, it will be loaded into your account the day after you enrol in individual units. The SSAF is based on how many units you enrol into per session/term.

You can find out how much SSAF you owe by checking your eStudent > My Finances.

If you change your full/part-time study load after the SSAF is calculated, an adjustment will be made to the initial fee charged. The final SSAF fee you are liable for is based on your unit enrolments from the relevant study period census date.

Both up-front payments and deferral submissions to SA-HELP must be made by the relevant due dates.

View the SA-HELP Booklet for more information on the SSAF. Contact the SRC if you wish to make SSAF recommendations. Find answers to common questions or chat with us! Key dates