Studying online through OUA

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  4. Studying online through OUA

Study at Macquarie from home

Here at Macquarie, we're committed to helping you transform your learning experience with flexible online study provided in partnership with Open Universities Australia (OUA).

OUA allows you to undertake Macquarie University courses, degrees and subjects from the convenience of your home, office or public library, at any time convenient to you. Through OUA, you can graduate with the same university qualifications as an on campus student!

Unit information

Enrolling and withdrawing from OUA units


If you are studying through OUA, whether it be in a Macquarie-OUA degree or single units, you can enrol in and withdraw from units via the OUA website. If you are having trouble enrolling or withdrawing from units, contact the OUA Student Advisors for assistance.

OUA close of enrolment dates are different from Macquarie University dates; OUA closes earlier so make sure you check the dates on the OUA page.

A Confirmation of Enrolment email from Macquarie will be sent to the email you registered with OUA. The email will be sent within 30 days before the upcoming study period and will include details of your Macquarie Student ID and how to access your units.


Students seeking to withdraw from units must do so by the relevant census date to avoid financial and academic penalties, or by the 'Last Date to Withdraw' to avoid academic penalty only. See the Withdrawal without Penalty section for more information.

Prerequisite waivers

If you want to enrol in an OUA unit but are unable to because you haven’t met the prerequisites and if you can demonstrate that you have sufficient knowledge to successfully complete the unit, you can submit a prerequisite OUA waiver. This application form is different from the Special Approval (Waiver) request form for students studying directly through Macquarie. Make sure you don’t submit the wrong form!

Special consideration

You may experience serious and unavoidable difficulties that affect your academic performance when assessments are due or you have an exam. In these instances, consider applying for Special Consideration.

Supporting evidence is required with your request. For more information, visit the Special Consideration page.

Withdrawal without penalty

If you have experienced serious and unavoidable disruption to your studies after the census date, you can apply for withdrawal without penalty.

There are two parts to the process which are assessed independently:

  • withdrawal without academic penalty and
  • withdrawal without financial penalty

'Withdrawal without academic penalty' is assessed by Macquarie. You can refer to the withdrawing without penalty page for more information about how to apply.

'Withdrawal without financial penalty' depends on how your fees are paid.

If you paid your fees upfront to OUA or are a FEE-HELP student, your financial penalty is assessed by OUA. You will need to submit a special circumstances form directly through OUA. Refer to the OUA Special Circumstances page for more information.

If you are in a Commonwealth Supported Place (HECS-HELP), submit a withdrawal without penalty form to Macquarie. Both the academic and financial penalty will be assessed by Macquarie. Refer to the withdrawing without penalty page for more information.


If you are undertaking any unit/s as a FEE-HELP or Fee-Paying student, your fees are paid directly to OUA. Please contact OUA or refer to the OUA website for more information.

If you have been admitted as a Commonwealth Supported student in a course (pre-2020), you will be able to find out how much you need to pay, as well as the payment due dates, by looking online in your eStudent.


Most OUA exams will be run online. Refer to your unit on iLearn for more information.

Contact us

Service Connect

Your first point of contact for all enquiries about your study life at Macquarie.

Online enquiry: Service Connect Portal
Ground Floor, 18 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm

Macquarie University offers a range of services to help support you both academically and personally. Contact our Student Wellbeing team for more information.