Work while studying

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  4. Work while studying

Gain work experience during study

Most employers expect applicants to be skilled and experienced in the workplace. Working while you study is an excellent way to build your employability skills and gain life experience.

Get a job with Employability Connect

Visit Employability Connect to view available casual and part-time jobs. You can also access CV and cover letter help to assist you with your job applications.


Any casual, part-time or full-time work experience is valued by prospective employers because it shows that you can be a responsible, professional and well-rounded individual. Regardless of the type of work you do now, you’ll build valuable professional skills to make you more employable in the future.

Working while you study builds professional skills that are essential for professional roles, including:

  • time management
  • teamwork
  • customer service
  • attention to detail
  • working independently
  • showing initiative
  • communication (verbal and written)

On-campus jobs

The Macquarie Student Employment (MQSE) team can help you get a job on campus while studying.

On-campus job opportunities can also be found on Macquarie University’s jobs portal, Employability Connect, and on the following websites:

  • Campus Life, which manages employment for the University's Sport and Aquatic Centre, events and catering, food and beverage, and more.
  • The University's employment page, which provides administrative, professional, and academic-related job opportunities within Macquarie's departments and faculties.

Off-campus jobs

Macquarie Student Employment (MQSE) partners with employers off campus to hire Macquarie University Students.  Browse current MQSE roles.  Receive feedback on your resume via email or speak with a Talent Advisor to receive guidance about the recruitment process.

Employability Connect can also connect you with organisations that offer:

  • Part-time, casual and full-time employment opportunities
  • Graduate programs
  • Internships (paid and unpaid)
  • Cadetships
  • Volunteer work

For more off-campus job opportunities, we also recommend visiting these job search websites.

Before applying

Before you apply for these jobs, you'll need to create a professional resume. Check out our Resume Builder and use CV360 for an instant online resume review.

Access paid employment opportunities on and off campus. Access career and employability resources. Online career tools Personal branding Networking