Job websites

  1. Students
  2. Careers
  3. Looking for a job
  4. Job websites

Comprehensive list of job websites

We've provided a comprehensive list of general and industry-specific job search sites that will help you search for casual, part-time, internship and graduate roles.

We recommend starting your initial job search via Macquarie University's jobs board, Employability Connect.


Finding a suitable job after graduation can often feel like a job itself!

Graduate employment programs

Check out the following links for current internship and graduate employment programs.


The following resources will help you gain a better understanding of how you can leverage your degree-related experience, networks, and working knowledge of your industry to start your career.

Part-time jobs

On-campus jobs

Check out the following links for part-time opportunities on campus.

Off-campus jobs

Check out the following links for part-time opportunities off campus.

Career websites - research and preparation

The following links provide information on how to search and prepare for your career.

Industry-specific job websites

The following links will take you to industry-specific job boards. The Australian Public Service website also provides opportunities in a wide variety of industries.

Access career and employability resources. Access paid employment opportunities on and off campus. LinkedIn Alumni Resume checker - CV360 Support for Graduates