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Appealing a University decision

Macquarie University is committed to a transparent, equitable and consistent approach on decisions that affect students.

The University aims to make fair and equitable decisions and has established policies and procedures to ensure this happens.

The University makes a range of decisions affecting students, including:

  • course admissions
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
  • marks you receive for a particular unit

If you have been notified of a decision made by the University you are not satisfied with, you may be able to lodge an appeal.

Quick tip: not all University decisions can be appealed

Things to be mindful of before submitting an appeal:

Appeals must clearly identify how the procedure for dealing with your issue was unfair, and detail that one or more the following grounds for appeal occurred:

  • the required procedure for making the decision was not followed
  • there was a lack of procedural fairness in making the decision
  • new information has become available that was not available at the time the decision was made and which should be taken into consideration.
  • demonstrate that you suffered substantial injustice as a result of the decision you are appealing
  • provide supporting documentation with your application
  • submit your appeal within the given timeframe

10 working days

  • Admission or Re-admission to a degree,
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
  • Academic integrity breaches (Breach or penalty decisions, excepting Suspension or Exclusion)
  • Enrolment
  • Special Consideration
  • Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies
  • Withdrawal including Withdrawal Without Penalty (WWP)
  • Outcome of a Grade Appeal

15 working days of the published result date for your unit

  • Grade appeal (final grades only)

Get more information on grade appeals.

20 working days

  • Academic Pause or Exclusion from studies under the Academic Progression policy
  • Academic integrity breaches (Suspension or Exclusion penalties)
  • Exclusion under the General Coursework Rules
  • Fitness to practice requirements under the Fitness to Practice Procedure
  • Termination of candidature (Higher Degree Research)
  • Award of PhD, MPhil or MRes degree
  • Research degree enrolment, leave of absence and withdrawal decisions under the Higher Degree Research Variations to Candidature Policy.

To be eligible you must:

  • demonstrate that you suffered substantial injustice as a result of the decision you are appealing
  • provide supporting documentation with your application
  • submit your appeal within the given timeframe