Social support

  1. Students
  2. Support
  3. Personal support
  4. Social support

Financial and social support

Emergency Assistance: Contact a service that offers phone or online counselling, or support with mental health.

Study Disruption

Talk to someone: Submit an MQ CARE form to Student Wellbeing.

Whether you are a domestic or international student, Welfare Services can help you if you’re experiencing social or financial difficulties.

The Welfare Service under the Student Wellbeing team offers information and support to students going through difficult situations at an academic, emotional, social and/or financial level.

Areas the Welfare Service can assist with include:

A good place to start on your support journey is clearly defining what your needs are so you can create an individual road map for support. From there you can use Ask Izzy or The Good Shepherd where you can find resources and assistance near you.

Here is a list of community supports for food, emergency relief and welfare you can access:

Emergency on campus

Campus security
T: +61 (2) 9850 9999

T: 000

Sexual assault and harassment
T: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)

Remember Macquarie is here to help you throughout your university journey – you are not alone!

Australian Hearing Hub
16 University Avenue
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Report concerns or issues that may affect your wellbeing. Financial assistance Financial advice Student Experience Survey