Safety on campus

  1. Students
  2. Support
  3. Safety and security
  4. Safety on campus

Stay safe

Macquarie's Campus Security team offer the following services to keep students and staff safe on and around the campus. Make sure to ask for help whenever you need it.

Emergency help points

There are over 50 emergency help points (blue poles) around campus that you can use to talk to the Security Control Centre at any time of the day or night.

Use these help points when you feel that you (or someone else) are:

  • in danger
  • unwell
  • in a critical situation where immediate help is needed from Campus Security.

View help point locations

Free shuttle bus

During the study session, there are free shuttle services from Monday to Friday, 4pm to 12.30am.

The shuttle runs between campus buildings, the train station and student accommodation.

View the shuttle bus routes

Lost and found

Campus Security manages lost and found items on campus.

Report lost or found property by calling Campus Security on +61 (2) 9850 7105 or visiting them on Level 2, Library, 16 Macquarie Walk.

Find out how to hand in or report lost property

After-hours security support

You can make a request for Campus Security to walk you from any location on campus to:

  • the train station
  • campus bus stops
  • the surrounding car park areas
  • any of our accommodation areas.

This service operates every day of the year, from dark until daylight.

You can ask a Campus Security member to walk with you on campus after hours by calling them on +61 (2) 9850 7112.

Keep safe on campus

In an emergency

Contact Campus Security via an emergency help point or by calling +61 (2) 9850 9999. Campus Security will call and direct NSW Police, Fire or Ambulance (000).

Stay safe on nights out

Follow this advice to stay safe at night:

  • Make sure you have enough money for food, water and a taxi or public transport home.
  • Make sure you carry identification, such as your driver’s licence, proof of age card or passport.
  • Keep your mobile phone with you. Make sure it’s charged and has credit.
  • Let people at home know what time to expect you back. If you decide to leave unexpectedly or are meeting someone new, let your friends know
  • Don’t leave your drink unattended.
  • Remember that possession of illegal drugs may lead to a criminal record.

Visit the Campus Security services page for more information.

Level 2
16 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
You are required to complete the Safer Communities course. Campus Security Student wellbeing Counselling Social support Accessibility and disability