Internal review

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  3. Complaints
  4. Internal review

Complaints review by the University

You may request an internal review of a decision made in relation to a formal complaint.

Internal review can be sought on one or more of the following grounds:

  • a breach of procedural fairness has occurred;
  • a breach in relation to authority to act has occurred;
  • substantial new evidence relating to the original complaint is available that was not reasonably available to the investigator at the time that the disputed finding was reached.

A request for internal review of a formal complaint must be lodged with the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) or nominee in writing no later than twenty (20) University business days after being notified of the outcome of the formal complaint resolution process.

In exceptional circumstances, requests for review may be lodged on your behalf by an advocate or staff member. Requests lodged by external third parties (eg legal representatives or parents) will not be accepted.

The DVC(A) or nominee will determine whether the grounds for internal review are met. If so, the matter will be investigated in accordance with the procedures outlined in the formal complaints stage by a different investigator.

You will receive notification in writing if there are grounds for an internal review within ten (10) University business days after the request for internal review is received.

Understand the terms used in the complaints process. Feedback Student Advocacy Inappropriate behaviour