
  1. Students
  2. Careers
  3. PACE - Work Integrated Learning
  4. Grants

Financial assistance for your PACE activity

A grant program is available to assist with the costs of undertaking a PACE activity.

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Student Loans and Grants

Student Loans and Student Grants are available to support the education costs of students whilst studying at Macquarie University and may be available for some PACE placement expenses.

Visit the Financial Assistance page for more information and eligibility requirements.

New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant

The New Colombo Plan (NCP) Mobility Program is an Australian Government initiative that provides financial assistance to Australian undergraduate university students to participate in semester and short-term study programs in the Indo-Pacific region. Students participating in PACE International activities may be eligible to receive NCP funding of approximately $3,000 for in-country activities and between $300 and $2,000 for virtual (online) activities with international host organisations.

To be eligible for an NCP Mobility Grants, you must:

  1. Be an Australian citizen.
    Please note that you cannot receive a mobility grant if you have dual citizenship or have residency rights in the host location where you will be completing your PACE International activity.
  2. Have completed at least one session of study at Macquarie University.
  3. Be undertaking an approved PACE activity as part of an accredited PACE unit which will count towards a Bachelor degree or Bachelor honours degree at Macquarie University.
  4. Be between the ages of 18 to 28 years of age (excluding Indigenous students).
  5. Not have already commenced a period of overseas study in the same host location as your PACE International activity.
  6. Not received more than one NCP mobility grant during your current degree (a student may receive in a virtual NCP Mobility project in addition to an in-country NCP mobility project).

Visit the New Colombo Plan website for more information and eligibility requirements.