Simplifying your online learning experience
Start your learning journey by understanding how to access Macquarie's online systems.
To access Macquarie’s online systems including your student email, campus wi-fi and iLearn (for subject-specific materials), you need to use your Student ID (8-digit number on your student card or in your offer letter) and password.
Set-up your Student ID and password
If you don't have a password or it is your first time logging in, complete the following steps:
- Go to the first time login page.
- Enter your 8-digit student identification number in the 'OneID number' box.
- Follow the instructions to complete the process.
Once you have set up your Student ID and password, you will use this to access every online system and resource during your studies.
Risk Reporting - ROAR
Lodge an online query or report about hazards or accidents on campus.
The single source of online course information to find out more about a specific course or courses, refer to the course finder and use relevant keywords to narrow your search.
Australian Access Federation
Access participating external Higher Ed and Research organisation web apps. Enables access to online resources for the Education and Research sector.
Access to Echo360 is via iLearn (within your unit page) or you may access directly from Echo360
ELC Online
Macquarie University's English Language Centre.
Your student email is essential to use many online services and software activation. Learn how to access your student email.
Key acronyms, abbreviations, terminology and definitions in use at Macquarie University.
Google Apps
Google Apps is a set of Internet cloud applications that helps you get work done from anywhere, on any device.
In addition to University Gmail for Students you can help yourself to Google+ Hangouts, Drive, Docs and more... Your OneID is your passport to more from Google every day.
WAM Calculator
Use the tool to calculate your Weighted Average Mark (WAM).
A simple and consistent experience that lets students print from any application to an iPrint location.
IT Status Page
IT Status page covers a real-time view of the live operational status of IT systems and services. View if they are operational, have a degraded performance, or are experiencing a partial or major outage.
View relevant resources for your unit reading through this unit reading list management system.
Library PCs
Library client PCs are for use by staff and students to access library online resources.
Microsoft 365
Microsoft for Students enables Macquarie University students to access digital downloads of the Microsoft Office Suite for free on up to 5 PCs and 5 mobile devices, including Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.
Multifactor Authentication
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required to log in to iLearn and eStudent when you are not on the Macquarie University campus network. Find out more and how to set up multi-factor authentication for MQ systems.
My Password
Manage your passwords for Eduroam registration, login downloads, first time login, Gmail password sync, Staff Directory and Netware ID matching.
Use to collect data for analysis and generate reports on targeted survey responses.
TermFinder is designed to help beginning students understand technical terminology. It explains the meanings in accessible language with examples of their use, links to their pronunciations and diagrams or illustrations wherever possible.
Textbook Finder
Find textbooks relevant to your units.
Find more information about units and programs.
Udemy is a self-paced online learning platform with a curated collection of high-quality short courses. The University subscription provides free access to staff and students. Visit the Udemy video library.
Unit Guides
Macquarie has an online Unit Guide repository. Unit Convenors use it to write, publish and view Unit Guides, and to map units against the University's graduate capabilities.
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Macquarie University