Macquarie Business School

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  4. Macquarie Business School

Develop your commercial acumen and make an impact

We offer flexible course and study options, allowing you to generalise or specialise in areas that interest you.

With a worldwide reputation as a leading business and economics school, you're ready for the industry as soon as you graduate with the skills employers want.

We're famous for our actuarial program, which is the longest-running in Australia, and home to experts in:

  • financial risk
  • working futures
  • ethics
  • corporate governance
  • accounting
  • applied finance
  • management
  • demographics
  • economics
  • health economics
  • marketing
  • and more.

Be part of the innovative research program, embark on a visionary analysis or lead the way in thought leadership.

Industry accreditation

Many of our courses are accredited by key industry bodies, including:


Are you a current undergraduate student but want to know more? Discover all the undergraduate units, majors and minors we offer. You may apply for credit for your previous study. For more information, refer to our recognition of prior learning page.

Find out how we can assist you to change programs or majors.


Our find a course page allows you to search for tailored postgraduate degrees based on your interests. Discover all the postgraduate units and specialisations we offer using the Course Handbook.

Research training and research degrees

With research consistently ranked ‘at world standard,’ we are a destination of choice for both students and researchers as we make a positive global contribution and impact to the world around us.

Are you interested in continuing your studies or embarking on research to pursue your passion with Macquarie? We offer a range of research training and research degrees in broad interest areas across our faculty. To find out more, contact a researcher in your field of interest to discuss your idea or find out more about applying.


Browse through our departments and the diverse range of degrees offered.

Contact us

Undergraduate and coursework student enquiries

Service Connect

Your first point of contact for all enquiries about your study life at Macquarie.

Online: Service Connect Portal
Ground Floor, 18 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University  NSW  2109

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm

PhD and research enquiries

T: +61 (2) 9850 1811
Level 7, 4 Eastern Road
Macquarie University  NSW  2109

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm

International enquiries

T: +61 (2) 9850 7346

4 Eastern Road
Macquarie University
Interested in our Business School? Find answers to common questions or chat with us Course Handbook Your course Enrolling Service Connect Learning Connect