Safety online

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  3. Safety and security
  4. Safety online

Staying safe online

Being online can be fun and social. Here's what you need to know to be safer online.

Nothing online is truly private. People can screenshot and distribute online content, without you knowing. Scams, online conflict, and online relationships can create problems. Find out more about online safety on the eSafety Commission website.

Protect your data

Steps you can take to support the safety and security of your data include:

  • Use strong passwords and a password manager
  • Don't share your Macquarie login and password details with anyone. Sharing your Macquarie login details is not only a breach of our terms and conditions that could be classified as misconduct, but it also gives people access to your personal details.
  • Use antivirus software
  • Keep your devices up to date
  • Immediately reset your password if you have clicked on a link in a suspicious email

Online behaviour

Your digital reputation is important, that's why you should know how to protect it.

Before you say or do something online, consider whether the following questions:

  • Would you want a future employer or social contact to see that post?
  • How would you feel if it was sent to lots of people?

Staying safe online also means behaving appropriately online. You can find out more about appropriate online behaviour at Macquarie on the online behaviour page.

Submit a report to the University

If you’ve got a concern about something that you have experienced online, you can let the University know. Staff from the Student Wellbeing service will contact you, to discuss what is happening, how it is affecting you, and help you identify how to respond.

Submit a report

You are required to complete the Safer Communities course. Online behaviour Wellbeing support Counselling