Confirmation of enrolment (CoE) and knowing your visa conditions

If you are an international student holding a Student Visa studying at Macquarie University, you’d require a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from MQ and a valid visa from Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) for duration of your course.

Once you have accepted your offer and have been issued with a valid Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), you will be able to apply for a student visa. As an international student visa holder, you are required to comply with your visa conditions. If your CoE is ever cancelled due to a breach of University rules or visa requirements, this may have an impact on your student visa.

For information on the different visas available for Australia, you should view the Australian Government's Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) website. Please note that the University can’t provide advice on other types of visas or provide migration law advice.

Changes to your course and CoE

As an international student studying on a student visa, you are required by the Australian Government to complete your course within the CRICOS registered duration. This course duration in also mentioned on your CoE.

The Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) will only allow to extend your visa where:

  • Compassionate and Compelling circumstances have occurred and there is evidence to support that
  • An Academic Intervention Strategy has been or is being implemented for an international student who is at risk of not meeting course progress requirements
  • An approved suspension of studies has occurred

These reasons are broadly defined by DoHA and must be of a nature that would prohibit you from studying to your maximum capacity.

If you are applying to extend your student visa, you must apply for a new Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) form via AskMQ at least three months of your visa expiring.

You will be asked to outline the units you are planning to enrol into for each remaining study period in your program of study. For further help with your study plan, please see the Course Guidance page. You will also need to provide a copy of your:

  • Visa
  • Passport
  • Health Cover/OSHC

CoE applications may take up to 15 business days.

As per student visa conditions, an international student visa holder must maintain full enrolment. However, you may be eligible to reduce your study load if you experience academic difficulties, or situations which are compassionate and compelling in nature.

Submit the Reduced Study Load (RSL) form via AskMQ along with supporting evidence for further assessment of your eligibility for RSL.

Processing of RSL requests can take up to 15 business days.

A Suspension of Studies (SoS) allows students who are experiencing compassionate or compelling circumstances to take a break from study and return to their home country. If approved to suspend your program, you are required to contact the Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) to ask about your student visa status.

For more information, please visit the Suspension of Studies (SoS).

Processing of SoS requests can take up to 15 business days.

If you wish to cease your studies at Macquarie University, you can submit a Withdrawal and Release form via AskMQ.

International students on a student visa who wish to discontinue their studies at MQ can do so if:

  • You are transferring institutions within 6 months of study at MQ and require a release letter which can be granted in exceptional circumstances
  • You are transferring institutions after 6 months of study at MQ
  • You are returning home, then you are required to provide evidence such as copy of your air ticket with your application.
  • Your visa has been cancelled or refused

If you wish to return to your studies later, you will need to apply for a new admission.

Applications may take up to 10 business days to process from the day you submitted.

If your student visa has expired and you are residing in Australia without a valid visa, then you will be considered to have stayed unlawfully. You must take steps to become lawful as soon as you can or leave Australia. You can consider doing the following:

  • Read through the visa expiration information available at the Department of Home Affairs (DoHA)
  • Consider applying for a Bridging Visa E (BVE) as soon as possible. A BVE is a short-term visa that lets you remain lawful whilst making arrangements to leave Australia
  • Consider engaging the assistance of a registered migration agent
  • If applicable, you may also like to contact the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for a review of the decision made by DoHA. Check your visa outcome notification about your review rights

If you are unable to get a valid visa, you must leave Australia. If you fail to leave, the Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) may take the following actions:

  • Detain you
  • Remove you from Australia
  • Bill you for the cost of removing you from Australia

More information regarding invalid visas is available at the Department of Home Affairs.

Student visa conditions

You must follow your visa conditions to ensure you satisfy its requirements. Visa conditions are set by Australian law and in case of breaching these conditions, this could lead to the cancellation of your visa by the Department of Home Affairs (DoHA). Full list of student visa conditions can be found on the Australian Government - Student Visa webpage.

The University has a legal obligation to provide information to DoHA in specific circumstances, such as changes to your enrolment and breaches to University rules.

Whilst we can provide general advice about your CoE and visa conditions, we are unable to provide further specified advice. If you have further questions, or need advice regarding non-student visas, please contact the Department of Home Affairs.

You must remain enrolled in your course and satisfy course requirements. You are required to be a full-time student and enrol in compulsory study periods to complete your studies within the stated timeframe on your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).

It is mandatory to remain enrolled in your course and meet the course requirements throughout your studies.

If you are at risk of not satisfying the course progression requirements, we strongly recommend seeking Course Guidance to address any concerns.

Failure to maintain satisfactory course progress may result in reporting to the Department of Home Affairs, potentially affecting your student visa.

For more information, please refer to our Academic Progression webpage.

You are allowed to study up to one-third of your course online and/or through distance learning.

However, it is important to note that you must be enrolled in at least one unit offered in-person (internal study mode) per compulsory study period (excluding Session 3). The only exception is if you are completing the last unit of your program that is only available online.

You can refer to our enrolment webpage to understand unit offerings and modes. This will help you ensure that you are compliant with this visa requirement and enrolled in the correct unit offering.

You must notify Macquarie University via eStudent regarding any updates to your address or contact information within 7 days in the following situations:

  • Upon your arrival in Australia, provide your address details and phone number
  • If you change your address or contact information, such as phone number or email address at any point during your stay in Australia

If you do not update your details, you may miss important updates which could include changes to your visa, etc.

Macquarie University will contact you via your official Macquarie student email address. You should regularly check your student email for important updates.

If you are under 18 years of age, and do not live with a parent or legal guardian in Australia, you cannot change your accommodation, support, and welfare arrangements without consulting Dean of Students Operations Team via email at For more information, please refer to the  Students under 18 years of age section.

You must study with Macquarie University for at least six (6) calendar months if your visa was obtained for study at this institution. If you have come to study an English course (eg. ELC), or a preparatory course (eg. Macquarie University College Foundation program) on a package offer, you must complete this course and then continue your studies at Macquarie University for at least six calendar months. Find out more about transfer and release conditions.

Support Services

Service Connect – your first point of contact of enquiries about your life at Macquarie University

Student Wellbeing

For support with your overall mental health and wellbeing during your studies at Macquarie University.

Status Resolution Service

The Department of Home Affairs offers support to eligible individuals who are facing significant barriers that are impacting on their ability to resolve their immigration status.

Service Connect