Patrick's advice for improving your academic writing

11 April 2022

Hey everyone, I’m Patrick and I’m in my second year at Macquarie University.

studying studying on laptops

Today I’d like to share with you all some useful advice on academic writing and the skills and resources you can use to help support yourself during your time at university.

While at uni, it's no mystery that one of the many units you have to take may require you to write and submit some sort of academic paper. For those who are not confident in their writing skills, Macquarie provides many resources that you can utilise to help you succeed in your academic writing.

Writing Centre

The Writing Centre is provided by Macquarie to help you with developing your study, academic, communication, and English skills. Classes and sessions provided by the Writing Centre include:

So the next time you’re stuck on an assignment, remember that the Writing Centre is there to support you throughout your time at University and help you improve your academic skills.