Engage with industry

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  3. Graduate research
  4. Engage with industry

Enhance your career prospects

At Macquarie University we aim to support your career development by providing opportunities for students to engage in mentoring, internships and other industry exposure activities.

The Graduate Research Academy will support our students to undertake an internship, and will facilitate the internship with a pre-developed internship agreement template that the host can sign, along with the student and Macquarie University.

Internships can be undertaken at different stages of candidature:

  • MRes Examination Internship: 4-6 week internships that coincide with the "under examination" period of an MRes Year 2 thesis
  • PhD/MPhil Internships: 3-6 month internships, which must take place after Confirmation of Candidature, and be completed before the final 6 months (FTE) of enrolment. LOA is recommended.
  • PhD/MPhil Examination Internship: 3-5 month internships undertaken while thesis is under examination. Ideally, the agreement is negotiated  earlier in your candidature (within the first 18 months)

Macquarie University encourages graduate research students to engage in industry/external internships during their candidature. The Internship Guidelines state the principles for engaging in industry/external internships and the process to be followed for approval, whilst admitted to Master of Research, Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs.

Review the Guidelines here.

  1. Start with a conversation with your supervisor, to see if they are keen to support your internship. They might also have excellent industry contacts and networks that will make the task of finding an internship easier.
  2. Use the resources that are available below to register on networks, such as APR.Intern, iPREP and the Defence Innovation Network. When they have new listings of opportunities, you will be the first to know, and will be able to apply.
  3. Next, get in touch with the Strategic Programs Coordinator for Industry (gr.industry@mq.edu.au) and let them know of the internships you are looking for and to be enrolled into the iLearn unit that has been developed specifically to prepare you for industry engagement. This unit "Industry Bootcamp for Graduate Researchers" will be a mandatory hurdle, before you are permitted to undertake an internship. Checks will be carried out on your eligibility, the support from your supervisor and department, and the host organisation.
  4. If all approvals are obtained, then an agreement will be entered into, and the executed agreement will be kept by the GRA. The GRA will also enrol you into a research internship unit, that will maintain your enrolment at Macquarie.

IMNIS is an award-winning industry-led initiative of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering. IMNIS connects motivated PhD candidates (mentees) in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) with outstanding high-level industry leaders (mentors) in a one-year industry mentoring program. Macquarie University has engaged with the IMNIS program since 2017.

IMNIS seeks to:

  • Break down barriers and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration between industry and academia – increase workforce mobility.
  • Extend professional networks.
  • Enable students to gain soft skills and get more informed about opportunities beyond academia.
  • Develop future STEM leaders' understanding of research translation, innovation and commercialisation alongside basic research.

Opportunities that (you)us can access

About APR.Intern

Macquarie University works closely with the APR.Intern program which aims to support industry-based training of PhD research students in all Australian universities, to increase employability and broaden business and university collaborations.

This not-for-profit program is open to women and men with an emphasis on gender equity, domestic, regional, Indigenous and disadvantaged PhD students into STEM internships.

Along with their research skills, our PhD students bring perseverance, tenacity and logic to a project.


Students can apply directly for internships available on the APR.Intern website. Alternatively, they can be hosted by an existing Macquarie University relationship, they or their academic supervisor work closely with already.

Students who apply for an internship under APR.Intern will need to complete the Macquarie University Higher Degree Research Candidate Industry Internship/External Funding Coversheet.


Interns in the APR.Intern program are paid. The total cost of an APR.Intern project for the host industry organisation are laid out below:

  • $3,000 per month is received by the student as a stipend for the duration of the internship
  • $1,000 is paid to the Academic Mentor for their participation in the project
  • $10,000 is paid to APR.Intern for administration of the internship and case-management

More information

The following links provide more information:

About iPREP

Macquarie University was the first university on the Eastern seaboard to be invited to join the iPREP Biodesign program. The iPREP Biodesign program is an initiative between Perth Biodesign and iPREP WA. It provides PhD students an industry engagement opportunity and training on Biodesign methodology, and industry with access to research expertise to stimulate growth and innovation.

iPREP WA is the only established program in Australia with the unique attributes of using multidisciplinary teams of PhD students to work on industry-defined problems with clear benefits to universities, students and industry. Coupled with specialised training on Perth Biodesign methodology, the program attracts high calibre PhD students with a vision to grow Australia's industry sector through the translation of research.

Industry placements

7 week placements

Seven week placements are available for domestic and international PhD students who have submitted their thesis for examination. The placement will be undertaken while the thesis is being examined, and the placement must be completed before the outcome of the examination is finalised.

Domestic PhD students who have completed the Confirmation of Candidature milestone, and have been enrolled for at least 2 years equivalent full-time ( consumed 2.0 EFTSL), are also permitted to apply for the seven week placement.

3 month placements

Three month placements are available for domestic and international PhD students who have completed the Confirmation of Candidature milestone, and are within the first 18 moths of enrolment ( consumed at most 1.5 EFTSL).

More information

The following links provide more information:


The NSW Space Research Network (SRN) is a university-led initiative of the NSW Government designed to enhance NSW space industry capability through collaboration with government and academic research institutions.  This is an exciting moment in the Australian space sector with the establishment of the Australian Space Agency in 2018 and strong support for the sector from State and Federal Governments. The SRN will build and support collaboration and coordination between government, industry and research organisations to deliver space research and research translation to industry.  The Network will focus on positioning NSW enterprise to compete on the National and International stage by leveraging the significant funding opportunities available in both the domestic and overseas landscapes by connecting key stakeholders to undertake research and development activities with a focus on translation into the space sector.

Macquarie University is an active supporter of the NSW Space Research Network, and has been successful in securing funding for research pilot projects in the 2021-2022 Round.

Internship opportunities with a Space Research theme are posted on the NSW Space Research Network  Internships Board

Before applying for a NSWSRN opportunity, be sure to check your eligibility with the GRA by getting in touch with us via email, and letting us know that you are considering applying for a  NSWSRN internship, and we can  confirm your eligibility.

Keep a close eye on this  internships board for internship opportunities that you can apply for.

About DIN

The Defence Innovation Network (DIN) is an association of seven leading universities in NSW. The purpose of the DIN is to bring together NSW industry, universities, State Government and DST Group to address Australia’s defence needs. The DIN also supports NSW business innovation in the global defence market by harnessing world-class research capabilities available within NSW universities.

Macquarie University is a DIN Member University, and this provides our PhD students with access to internships within defence relevant areas.

The  DIN Internship program funds 3 month internships that place highly skilled PhD students into companies and promote defence career pathways amongst young researchers in New South Wales.

The opportunities are only available for Australian citizens or permanent residents. Before applying for a DIN opportunity, be sure to check your eligibility with the GRA by getting in touch with us via email, and letting us know that you are considering applying for a  DIN internship, and we can confirm your eligibility.

Details  and how to apply can be found on the student page

The Graduate Research Academy is very supportive of students who wish to find their own internship opportunity.

Students should first consider the Internship Guidelines. The Internship Guidelines can be found on the right side of this page.

If the timing of the proposed internship matches the guidelines, please contact us to provide you with the Internship agreement and the Internship Proposal documents. The Proposal will outline the tasks and milestones that have been designed, to ensure that the internship will achieve the desired outcomes in the time specified. The Internship agreement is the formal agreement that is signed by the host organisation, by the graduate research student and Macquarie.

Internships that are 3 months in length, with a minimum of 60 days of engagement with a research end user are preferred. Full-time internships, with the host organisation providing stipend support are recommended.

Macquarie University is a Member University of the Sydney Quantum Academy and this provides our PhD students with access to internships that are run through the SQA

Details  and how to apply can be found on the SQA internship page

The Aurora Education Foundation Program goal is to best support the aspiration of building Indigenous leadership. Aurora believe in prioritising our beneficiaries, placing the lived experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities at the core of what we do. Aurora supports Indigenous and selected non-Indigenous interns to develop practical skills, gain real-world career experience and build professional networks.

Aurora invite students to join them on this important journey.

The Aurora Internship Program offers two separate streams, one for Indigenous interns and the other for Non-Indigenous interns. The difference between these programs is that the Non-Indigenous Program is a self-funded Internship at one of our Indigenous Sector Host Organisations. For Indigenous Interns, the program is pleased to provide financial support via Scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Interns. Scholarships offer up to $900 per week which cover living expenses and up to $3,800 (incl GST) for travel and accommodation costs for away-from-home internships.

Information on the Program and how to apply can be accessed via the Aurora FAQs.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact. For any student enquiries please forward them onto our Internships Program Team found at Internships@aurorafoundation.com.au, the team would be more than happy to help.

It was an excellent opportunity to get to know the work within the industry and obtain valuable professional experience relevant to the discipline of my PhD research.

Amirmohammad Pasdar, PhD Internship participant

Graduate Research Academy
Level 2, 16 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
View current employment opportunities and job resources. View guidelines for facilitating an internship. Home page