English Language Resources

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English Language Resources

Make the most of your time at Macquarie with our English language development opportunities.

StudyWISE Resources

Never know where to put the comma? Need some language for presenting? Visit StudyWISE to develop your academic English. Learn how to proofread, punctuate, and present. Make your writing cohesive, concise, and clear. Vary stress and tone to discuss, debate, and deliberate.

Our self-paced, self-study materials provide you with the knowledge, understanding, and confidence to write and speak in academic contexts. Assuming no training in grammar, our resources walk you through everything from recognising subjects and verbs to using intonation to signal subordination.

Go to English Language resources.

English Conversation Club

The English Conversation Club is designed for international students who want to enhance their conversational English skills. It's a social, fun and relaxed online setting where everyone is encouraged to talk, share their experiences, practise their speaking, improve their confidence to talk in public and successfully interact with others.  Find out more on their website.

English Language Resources

Macquarie University and Macquarie University College offer a range of opportunities to develop your English language proficiency and communication skills. Search our current course and resource offerings.

Access a range of services Find study and assignment resources in iLearn Numeracy Centre Library IELTS Test Centre Peer Support English Conversation Club