Mahit explains how reading can help you in the long run

5 April 2022

Hi, my name’s Mahit and I’m a second-year Software Engineering student here at Macquarie.

Male student reading in library with students choosing books behind him

In the age of technology, most of us get our daily updates through just a few clicks on our phones or laptops. We tend to contribute a lot of our time to reading tweets or scrolling through our Facebook pages. Now there isn’t anything wrong with this but when was the last time you read a book for fun?

Reading has been known to have significant importance for decades. But why exactly is it so important?

Improves concentration

Reading makes us focus on a single thing and be fully present while doing it. It trains our minds to focus properly on a particular task, allowing us to improve our concentration skills. This is an important skill you will need during your studies, careers, or even in personal relationships.

Vocabulary expansion

Reading more will give you exposure to new words. You might even catch yourself using more intricate words in your everyday vocabulary! A higher vocabulary can help you convey confidence and professionalism in professional workplaces and new career opportunities. It will also make it easier to find those perfect words for your essays or other assignments without using the help of a thesaurus.

Analytical thinking

Reading allows us to improve our analytical thinking skills. Books such as mystery novels enforce us to apply our critical and analytical thinking skills to try and solve the mystery before finishing the book. We also utilise these skills when critiquing the plot or the character development. These are key skills to develop as they are required in our university subjects or the professional workforce.

So, the next time you’re bored or searching for something to do, pick up a book!