Anushiya's guide to balancing your work-study-life

11 April 2022

Hi all, my name’s Anushiya and I’m a final year Law and Psychology student here at Macquarie!

Students relaxing on lawn

Every student knows how difficult it is to balance work, study, and life commitments. You may experience burnout if you find yourself overworking and overstudying, or stress and anxiety if you find yourself falling behind. Here are 3 tips to help you maintain a healthy balance!

Schedule your time and prioritise

Be realistic – you only have so many hours in a day to complete your tasks. Make sure you prioritise assignments that are due in the short-term but also allow yourself enough time every week to prepare notes for end of session exams to avoid last-minute cramming. Plan your leisure activities and work shifts around assignments and exam dates. Try to make use of calendars, planners, and phone apps to keep an updated schedule and stay on top of your commitments.

Take a break

Burnout can lead to stress and anxiety and can take a toll on your mental health. Taking some time off from your studies by engaging in a hobby or watching another episode of your favourite Netflix show can help you unwind. It is always important to get enough sleep and exercise, and to eat healthy foods. Having a healthy lifestyle will help decrease stress levels and will help you maximise your focus during your work and studies.

Ask for help

Trying to find a balance can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful. Talk to a friend or a family member if you have any concerns. As a Macquarie student, you also have access to several support services. Whether you need help finding a job, taking care of your mental health, or understanding your academic goals, we’re here to help!

Having a successful work-study-life balance is essential to not only acing your exams, but to also help you take care of your mental health and strengthen your relationships with friends and family.