Study Tour - Jilin University (ENGG300)

Study Tour - Jilin University (ENGG300)

Use your winter break for a bit of cultural exploration, try your hand at Chinese for beginners and get a head start on ENGG300!

This is a three-week program in one of China’s best universities. The program includes Chinese language lessons for absolute beginners, cultural activities, industry visits and an engineering learning experience based on Formula SAE vehicle design.

Jilin University (JLU) is one of top universities in China, especially in the field of Engineering. JLU Changchun is the epicentre of China’s automotive industry and is home to 7.5 million people. The travel time from Beijing is around 90 minutes by air and 6 hours by bullet train.


Jilin University is located in the city of Changchun (Eternal Spring) which is the capital of Jilin Province in the Manchurian region of China.

Type of Program

Short Term Study Tour

Level of Study


Length of Program

3 weeks

Program Dates

  • The program runs from 1-19 July
  • Depart Sydney on 29 June and return Sydney on 21 July.

Language of Instruction


Financial Support

$3,000 per Australian student are available from the New Colombo Plan (NCP) initiative run by the Commonwealth Government. Macquarie has 20 of these grants to provide to participating students. Students must be an Australian citizen to qualify for an NCP grant.

$1,000 per international student or permanent resident are provided by Macquarie University to participate in this activity.

Academic Credit

Students who participate in this activity will have a number of assessment tasks.

Completion of these tasks will result in a maximum amount awarded of 15% of the total mark for the completion of the ENGG300 unit.

You will still need to enrol in the ENGG300 unit and complete the core learning and assessment activities after your return from China.

However, your assessment tasks from the China program will be taken into account and provide you with exemptions for designated assessment tasks during semester that will be deemed equal to the work you have already completed.

Program Fees
  • Program Fee: 0 (Pay normal tuition fee for the enrolment in ENGG300 at Macquarie University)
  • Return airfare: approx. $1,800
  • Visa: $110
  • Chinese Language Classes: Approx. $100
  • Accommodation: Approx. $400 for 21 nights, twin share
  • Meals: Single meals can range from around $2 upwards. Budget of $20 per day will be adequate.
  • Other fees: There may be entrance fees for certain visits. Allow $50 total for this.


  • Total cost excl. standard Macquarie University tuition fee (subject to final airfare confirmation) will be approximately $3,000.
  • Other costs include local transport, getting from your home to Sydney airport and back and any excursions you may choose to undertake at weekends.
  • A total budget of $3,500 will be sufficient for most participants.
  • If you decide to remain in China and embark on your own travel before returning to Sydney then that portion of travel will be solely at your own cost and responsibility.  In the past, some students have visited places such Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai before returning home after the end of the program. As long as you are back on time for the start of session two then you are perfectly welcome to add personal travel on to the back end of this three-week learning activity.

Travel Insurance

  • You will be fully covered under the university’s travel insurance policy for the duration of the official trip.
  • If you decide to return to Sydney later then you are obliged to purchase your own travel insurance for the additional time period beyond 20th July.

Additional Information

 ENGG300 Jilin University Study Tour Expectation Briefing

Eligibility Criteria

  • Have enrolled in a degree offered by The School of Engineering (including double degrees)
  • GPA requirement: minimum WAM of 60
  • Have completed minimum 39 credit points including ENGG200 by Session 1, 2019

How to Apply

  • Applicants must complete an online application form.
  • Successful applicants will be notified in early May and invited to a pre-departure information session.

*Disclaimer: Macquarie University does not ensure the quality or reputation of activities run externally, should students choose to undertake these activities they take on the full risk and responsibility. All students need to undertake their own risk assessment before departure, considering wisely their personal health and safety risks. Ultimately participation in these activities is at the students’ risk.

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Area of study
Engineering and IT

Has a GPA requirement

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NCP Scholarship or Travel Grant

up to $3000

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