2022 program

  1. Students
  2. Careers
  3. Get career ready
  4. 2022 program

Program resources and activities

Bookmark this page so that you can always locate the essential links and resources for the MQ Professional Development Program S2 2022.

  • Below you will find a word copy of the workbook, uploaded prior to each session with links to activities that will assist with your learning and development in each key area.
  • Scroll down to find online activities to be completed by students who are working towards achieving their MQ Professional Development Program Certificate.
  • Online workshop content and handouts will be uploaded on this page.
  • Program dates and times are listed below
  • Form to record your 20 additional hours [DOC 2.4MB] to meet the requirements of the program. Upload your completed 20 additional hours form.

The MQ Professional Development Program 2022 completion date for tasks and activities is Wednesday 25 May.

You will receive a Professional Development Program Certificate by completing the following by Wednesday 25th May:

  • Attending in full all five workshops – presented by the Career and Employment Service and industry experts
  • Attending at least one general careers workshop, employer presentation or Careers Advice appointment (booked through Employability Connect)
  • Attending at least one careers event during Careers Week, 7 - 11 March 2022
  • Spending a minimum of 20 additional hours developing your skills on an individual basis (eg creating application documents, creating your LinkedIn profile, completing the program workbook and working through the MQ Career Ready Program) and recording them on your 20 additional hours form [DOC 2.4MB]. Upload your completed 20 additional hours form.
  • Online Workshop 1: Wednesday 2 March, 12–2:30pm
  • Online Workshop 2: Wednesday 30 March, 12–2:30pm
  • Online Workshop 3: Wednesday 6 April, 12–2:30pm
  • Face to Face Workshop 4: Wednesday 27 April, 12–2:30pm
  • Online Workshop 5: Wednesday 11 May, 12–2:30pm
  • All requirements must be completed by Wednesday 25 May
  • Awards Ceremony Wednesday 1 June, 12–1pm

Delve into a range of online activities to build your skills and knowledge:

  • Links in your workbooks take you to specific resources relevant to each topic.
  • Go to the MQ Career Ready Program and start working through each of the eight sections. This will contribute towards the minimum of 20+ additional hours required to complete the program.
  • Go to CareerWISE for Career and Employment Service online resources.

Online Workshop 1 - Wednesday 2 March

Online Workshop 2 - Wednesday 30 March

Be the Recruiter

Online Workshop 3 - Wednesday 6 April

Online Workshop 4 - Wednesday 27 April

Online Workshop 5 - Wednesday 11 May

Contact us

Access career and employability resources. AHEGS Employability Connect