Employability Connect

  1. Students
  2. Careers
  3. Get career ready
  4. Your Career Journey
  5. Online career tools
  6. Employability Connect

Career resources, employability tools, and job opportunities

Employability Connect helps you find paid employment and develop your professional skills while you study. Access Employability Connect's career resources to start your career journey now.

Jobs board

Employability Connect is an online jobs board that advertises job opportunities from employers who want to hire Macquarie students.

Job opportunities include:

  • graduate roles
  • entry level work
  • part-time and casual jobs
  • volunteering opportunities and more.

Resources, appointments and events

Employability Connect provides students with access to many resources to support you during your job search such as CV and cover letter templates, industry webinars and guidelines. Employability Connect also allows you to book appointments with a careers advisor, register for upcoming career events such as career fairs and employer presentations, and participate in professional skill development workshops.

Aside from Employabilty Connect, you can now visit us in Learning Connect. It's our new location on the ground floor of 18 Wally's Walk. Delivered by Graduate Futures and The Writing Centre, we can help you with job searching, resume writing, interview preparation and preparing for your PACE placement, as well as develop your academic writing, communication, English Language and study skills. Learning Connect is open Monday to Friday from 10am-3pm.

Using Employability Connect

Students beginning their degree at Macquarie University, including Macquarie University College students, are automatically registered on Employability Connect.

Access Employability Connect using your Student ID number as your username. Your password will be the same as your iLearn password. Please contact Careers and Student Employment T: 9850 7372, E: careers@mq.edu.au, if you have any difficulty in accessing your account.

All employers are vetted and approved to advertise on our platform. We check their job ads for clarity, adherence to legal award rates, and ensure they are legitimate opportunities.

Access career and employability resources Planning Selection criteria Interview preparation