
  1. Students
  2. Support
  3. Technology
  4. Student systems
  5. iLearn

Macquarie University's online learning environment

iLearn enables learning, teaching, communication and collaboration online.

Through iLearn, you can:

It is important that you know how iLearn works so that you don’t miss out on any of the vital information you will need for your studies.

Logging in to iLearn

Log into iLearn at

  • Your 'iLearn username' will be your standard Macquarie Student ID Number (an 8-digit number found on your Campus Card). Open Universities Australia (OUA) students will find your Student ID Number in the Confirmation of Enrolment letter included with your Macquarie study package.
  • Your 'iLearn password' will be your myMQ Student Portal password. This will be the original MQID password that was sent to you on enrolment (2 random characters followed by your date of birth in DDMMYY format), unless you have already changed your password in the myMQ Student Portal.

Note that both your username and your password are CaSe SeNsItIvE.

MFA for iLearn

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required to log in to iLearn when you are NOT on the Macquarie University campus network. Find out more and how to set up multi-factor authentication for MQ systems.

Login help

If you can’t log in after you have entered your username and password correctly, you should contact the IT Service Desk at

Try to access Macquarie's home page or the Library and if you cannot access these sites it might be due to:

  • a temporary network failure between your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and Macquarie;
  • a temporary failure of the server you are trying to reach;
  • your access being blocked. This is unlikely, but if you are using a network provided by your employer then there is a remote chance of it happening.
Ground Floor, 18 Wally’s Walk
Macquarie University
View your unit due dates, assignments, and progress. MFA is required to access student systems when off campus. Your IT account Assessments and exams