Unpaid or overdue fees

  1. Students
  2. Finances
  3. Fees
  4. How to pay
  5. Unpaid or overdue fees

Implications of non-payment

Non-payment of your university fees could impact your ability to continue to study at Macquarie University.

Important information

Students are required to pay their fees by the payment due date as outlined on the My Finances section of their eStudent account. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their fees are paid on time.

Unpaid or overdue fees

Students must pay their fees by the Payment Due Date of each study period. In addition to fees for coursework, students are expected to make a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) which is a contribution to a variety of support services for students.

Students with unpaid fees by the required Payment Due Date listed on their Statement of Outstanding Charges will be sanctioned.

A sanction will block your access to:

  • enrolling in further units,
  • accessing exam results and transcripts, AND
  • graduating.

Students with unpaid fees after the due date will also face:

  • late payment fine of $150
  • removal of iLearn access
  • cancellation of enrolment

Enrolment cancellation

The University will communicate with students through their official student email on the action to be taken.

Domestic students, whose enrolment is cancelled due to non-payment of fees, will be withdrawn from units that have not been paid in full. They will also not be able to re-enrol until the next available session of study.

International students, whose enrolment is cancelled due to non-payment of fees, will be withdrawn from all units whether they are paid or not. They will also not be able to re-enrol in any succeeding session of study until all fees are paid. Find out more information about refunds for international students

Contact us

If you are experiencing unexpected financial difficulty affecting your ability to pay fees on time, please contact and discuss your circumstances with Office of Dean of Students before your relevant payment due date.

If you would like to discuss support for personal concerns, such as emotional or mental health; a disability or health condition that impacts your study; concerns about a legal, safety or other issue; please contact Student Wellbeing.