
  1. Students
  2. Support
  3. Technology
  4. Student systems
  5. eStudent

Manage your enrolment, finances, and contact details

Find out more about our eStudent system and how you can access it to enrol into units online, access exam results and complete other important administrative tasks.

About eStudent

eStudent is an online system where students can:

  • enrol online (new students have to be admitted to their course prior to enrolment)
  • choose units and set class timetables
  • check examination results
  • view academic records
  • receive announcements from the University
  • pay fees
  • keep contact details up-to-date.

It’s really important to keep your contact details up to date in eStudent so you don’t miss any important information.

Accessing eStudent

  1. Go to eStudent.
  2. Login with your Student ID and password.

Watch the eStudent video playlist [YouTube] for help enrolling and our video on navigating the handbook [YouTube].

MFA for eStudent

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required to log in to eStudent when you are NOT on the Macquarie University campus network. Find out more and how to set up multi-factor authentication for MQ systems.

New to Macquarie? Set-up your Student ID and password

If you don't have a password and it is your first time logging in, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the first time login page.
  2. Enter your Student ID (eight-digit student identification number on your student card or in your offer letter) in the 'OneID number' box.
  3. Follow the instructions to complete the process.
Log in to set up your Student OneID and password MFA is required to access student systems when off campus. Your IT account IT service desk