Discipline committee appeals

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Appealing a decision by the Discipline Committee

You can request permission to appeal the decision of the Discipline Committee or apply for a rehearing based on fresh evidence.

The appeal is granted for one of two reasons:

  1. The University did not follow the procedure in your case: you must send the proof you have that the University did not follow the proper procedure. – see Student Discipline Procedure Clause 64 and Schedule 4, or
  2. The sanction the Committee handed down in your case was inappropriate: you must send the proof you have that the sanction in your case was inappropriate.

You cannot appeal because you do not agree with the decision the Committee made.

On appeal, the original decision of the Discipline Committee may be confirmed, set aside or varied.

If you have new or fresh evidence the Committee did not have when they made their decision, you are allowed to have your case heard again.

Commonly asked questions

Find answers to all your questions regarding appealing a Discipline Committee decision.

To be called 'fresh evidence', this information must have all these four qualities:

  1. It must be relevant to the decision the Committee had to make in your case, and
  2. You did not know this information or you did not have this information when the Committee met, and
  3. The Committee did not have this information when they made their decision, and
  4. It is so important it might have changed the decision the Committee made to a decision in your favour.

If you appeal, there will be a meeting of the Appeals Panel. You will be provided with details in writing via your official email address.

If the Appeals Panel decides that your appeal does not have merit, then the Discipline Committee’s decision and sanctions are not changed. If the Appeals Panel decides that your appeal does have merit, then the Appeals Panel has several options can set aside the decision or vary the sanction.

It is also possible that the Appeals Panel may impose a greater sanction than that of the Discipline Committee.

If you are dissatisfied with the process at the conclusion of your appeal, you can lodge a complaint by emailing the Complaints Unit at complaints@mq.edu.au.

If you wish to lodge a complaint with the NSW Ombudsman, Student Advocacy and Support Service can provide advice and support about internal and external processes and outcomes

Ground Floor
18 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University
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