MUERI Program

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  6. MUERI Program

Macquarie Undergraduate Equity Research Internship (MUERI)

The MUERI program engages domestic undergraduate university students from equity backgrounds in paid research internships, supervised by academic sponsors.

Students act as research interns on academic research projects, participate in research skill development workshops, and attend networking events.

MUERI is a Widening Participation initiative delivered by Macquarie University’s Widening Participation Unit and funded by the Australian Government’s Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP)

AHEGS qualification criteria

A consecutive 10-week program spanning Weeks 3-12 of the academic session.

MUERI students commit to 60 hours of program participation

Breakdown of MUERI hours and expected commitment

  • 50 hours - Dedicated for students to work with academic mentors on the research project, 5 hours per week over 10 weeks
  • 3 hours - Dedicated to attend x3 workshops (1 hour each) delivered by the MUERI Facilitator and WPU team on research resources and skills
  • 2 hours - Dedicated to attend x2 networking events with MUERI intern peers and MUERI academic mentors (NB – the 2nd networking session will be for the presentation of your research work)
  • 5 hours - Dedicated for students to create a presentation of the research work they have contributed to as a MUERI intern

MUERI will be offered twice a year, during S1 and S2, with a separate intake of student interns for each academic session.

Attributes and Skills developed

MUERI works to enhance student experience and success by offering students occasions to connect research skills with practical applications and expand professional networks within research domains.

Program objectives are to:

  • Provide students with opportunities that enhance their learning journey, promoting participation and retention
  • Empower students to evolve their sense of identity as learners
  • Empower students to connect with a network of academics who support their learning experience
  • Build the University’s network of partners to broaden our community of practice to better support disadvantaged and underrepresented students
  • Enhance students’ pathways to further study or higher degree research
Widening Participation Unit Internships Career and employment services