Co-curricular participation recognition
Get recognised for your involvement in a wide range of activities while studying at Macquarie.
Since 2010, Macquarie University has issued its graduates with an Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) to distinguish them as local and global citizens.
In April 2018, the AHEGS was enhanced to include Additional Achievements under Section 4, providing for the formal recognition of student’s involvement in a range of approved co-curricular activities.
These co-curricular activities have contributed to the development of graduates’ skills and capabilities and relate to their award. They are assessed by the established AHEGS Steering Committee.
A list of the approved co-curricular activities is provided below:
Recognised co-curricular programs
- Blue Award - Sport and Recreation
- Global Leadership Program (GLP) - Undergraduate (not offered from 2026)
- Half Blue Award - Sport and Recreation
- Macquarie Business School Scholar Buddy Program (not offered from 1 Jan 2021)
- Member of Editorial Team - Student Publication
- Member of Student Representative Committee
- Mentor Team Leader - Macquarie University Mentors
- Mentor - Macquarie University Mentors
- Peer Leader - Scientific Software and IT
- Peer Mentor Leader - First STEP Mentoring Program (not offered from 1 Jan 2021)
- Position of Registered Student Executive of an Affiliated Student Organisation
- Professional Development Program (Careers)
- Transition to Work Program (Careers)
- Regional Outreach Volunteer (Science and Education)
- Resident Advisor - Student Accommodation
- Student Ambassador - Future Students
- Student Leader - Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)
- Student Member of Academic Senate
- Student Member of Faculty Board
- Student Member of University Council (for information contact the University Council Secretary
- Student Service Award - Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Student Department Representative (not offered from S2 2022)
- Student Unit Representative (not offered from S2 2022)
- Team Leader - Association for Astronomy
- Team Leader - Buddy Program
- Ted O'Keeffe Scholarship - Sport and Recreation
- Macquarie Business School Young Leaders Program (not offered from 2022)
- Peer Education Program - Student Diversity and Inclusion
- Univative, Student Representative
- ENACTUS Macquarie
- MQ Learning and Teaching (MQLT), Student Assistant
- Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship - MURI
- NSW Equity Consortium - Equity Ambassador
- School of Education Merit Scholar
- MQ Skill Development Program
- Career Exploration Program
To be eligible, program managers will nominate students who have successfully completed the activities as per criteria set for each program.
For more information on what AHEGS includes, refer to AHEGS policy.
For more information on AHEGS co-curricular recognition, visit Service Connect.