Numeracy support

  1. Students
  2. Support
  3. Study support
  4. Numeracy support

Enrolled in a unit that uses some Maths or Stats?

We provide learning support for students enrolled in mathematics, statistics or numeracy-based subjects. Want to improve your understanding ? The Numeracy Centre can help!


The Numeracy Centre offers a number of services including:

Drop-in service

The Centre will be open from Monday of Week 1 from 10am – 4pm, Monday to Friday.

For specific times that staff or units are available, see the timetable.

Resources and help

Enrol on our iLearn site to access online resources, forums and contact our staff.

Ask us a question

Further questions

If you have any questions, email us at

The Numeracy Centre: Supercharge your study

Numeracy Centre
Macquarie University
14 Sir Christopher Ondaatje Avenue NSW 2109
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