Password reset

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  5. Password reset

Changing your OneID password

We've provided some steps on how to reset your password and tips on how to choose a strong password below.

  1. Go to from your PC or device.
  2. If you know your password, login with your Student OneID number otherwise click Forgotten Student OneID password?.
  3. You will be asked to enter the answers to questions that you set up when setting your OneID previously, then click 'Next'.
  4. Create a new password that meets the password criteria below.
  5. Update wi-fi, email and saved passwords on devices using your new OneID password.

New password criteria

Note: The system will not accept any previous OneID passwords you have used.

Passwords must be:

  • at least eight characters long
  • include three of the following character types:
    • uppercase alphabet characters (A-Z)
    • lowercase alphabet characters (a-z)
    • contain numbers (0-9)
    • contain special characters (!@#$%^&*<>?:”{}[]’;/.,).

Passwords must not:

  • contain a portion of your OneID number, name or position
  • consist of a simple dictionary word

Tips for picking a strong password

Use passwords that include:

  • two unrelated words with numbers/characters separating them
    ie. "Purple15$External"
  • first letters from sentence or song (we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine) with added capitals and numbers
    ie. "waliays,YS74"
  • a short sentence with numbers and characters
    ie. "Strongpasswords#keepmesaf3"

Do not use any passwords that include:

  • a single dictionary word
    ie. "Today123!"
  • a family member's name or a personally significant date
    ie. "Koby@1982"
  • a Macquarie related function, system, department or organisation name
    ie. "Macquarie!23"

Can't remember my OneID or secret answers

Contact the IT Service Desk at +61 (2) 9850 4357.

Opening hours:

  • Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm
  • Saturday and Sunday, 10am – 6pm
Ground Floor, 18 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University
Student systems IT Service Desk