Academic performance and progression support
The Welfare Service provides support, information and assistance to students concerned about their academic progress because of unavoidable disruption due to welfare related issues.
If you have been excluded from your studies in the past or have any academic progress issues, you may be referred to Student Wellbeing to develop a support plan as part of your return.
Student Advocacy can assist you with your return to university and guide you with any other concerns you may have about resuming study. Our Advocacy team are best equipped to guide you as they are experts in university policies and procedures.
The Student Advocates offer one-on-one appointments to provide support and assistance. You can contact Student Advocacy by completing a Student CARE MQ Referral form.
We also encourage you to book an appointment with a Welfare Officer if you:
- are struggling to settle into university life
- are failing or struggling with your studies
- are thinking about dropping out
- have experienced unavoidable disruption to your studies.
Please call 9850 7497 to speak with Student Wellbeing and arrange an appointment.
16 University Avenue
Macquarie University NSW 2109