NSW Equity Consortium

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  6. NSW Equity Consortium

NSW Equity Consortium - Equity Ambassador

Equity Ambassadors participate in an outreach program designed to improve Year 7 students’ literacy skills in participating South-West Sydney high schools.

This activity has been approved to be recognised on AHEGS as of May 2021. No retrospective recognition will be made prior to this approval date.

The NSW Equity Consortium is an alliance between Macquarie University, University of New South Wales and the University of Technology Sydney.

AHEGS qualification criteria

The program will be run annually from 2021-2026, recruiting new (and returning) Ambassadors each year. In 2021, it will start on Session 2, weeks 1-5, 1 hour per week, plus a training day during winter break, and a full “University Experience Day” on the North Ryde campus during S2 break (approx. 21 hours total).

Equity Ambassadors are required to attend a 1 day of training workshop, attending 1 class per week in SW Sydney high schools and their attendance will be recorded by School Engagement Officers present onsite for all engagements.

Skills required or developed

All Equity Ambassadors will be able to develop and acquire:

  • Communication skills
  • Cross-cultural competence/awareness
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Leadership
  • Problem solving
  • Teamwork
  • Working with students from disadvantaged backgrounds/equity groups