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  5. AHEGS Recognised Co-curricular activities

Take entrepreneurial action

Enactus Macquarie empowers university students to develop social enterprises in collaboration with different communities to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

"This activity has been approved to be recognised on AHEGS as of August 2020. No retrospective recognition will be made prior to this approval date."

Students conduct a needs assessment, identify and implement potential solutions and measure their impact. Students also pitch and compete with their projects on a regional, national and global level.

AHEGS qualification criteria

  • Semester 1 and 2, 5-6 hours a week
  • Membership for at least 12 months
  • Attendance to at least 75% of general Enactus meetings
  • Members have to participate in the organisation and running of 5 full team events

Skills required or developed

  • Personal capabilities (Leadership, Teamwork and Networking)
  • Project Management
  • Cognitive capabilities (creative and innovative, problem-solving)
  • Communication skills
  • Emotional resilience
  • Cross-cultural competence/awareness
Dr Prashan Karunaratne
Macquarie Business School
ENACTUS Macquarie Business School