Change of circumstances

We understand that your professional and personal circumstances may change as you progress with your research.

If your personal circumstances impact your research, you may need to change how you conduct your research. Below is a list of things you may need to do or take into consideration to stay on the right path.

Any variation requests that result in a change to EWS date may require the 2024 APR to be completed before final approval. Specific students' circumstance will be considered including current EWS date, past progress and the information detailed within the variation request.

Below is a brief summary of the general provisions of an Master of Research (MRes) Yr 2, Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students. It is not applicable to BPhil/MRes Year 1 coursework. Your actual provision will depend on your specific candidature arrangements.

Refer to the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Variations to Candidature Policy and your Scholarship Conditions of Award [PDF 172KB] for detailed information.

Note these provisions are subject to approval and must be requested via the relevant form.


Candidature Provision

EWS Extended

Scholarship Extended

Scholarship Paid

Annual Leave

20 working days per year accrued fortnightly




Sick Leave

20 working days per year




(up to a maximum of 60 working days, over the course of the candidature.)

Parental Leave

Up to 60 working days
(over the course of the candidature)




(Only for scholarship holders who have completed 12 months of their candidature)

Other Personal Leave

MRes Yr2 - Max. 6 months over the course of the program on a Full-Time   basis (pro-rata for Part-Time)

PhD/MPhil - Max. 12 months over the course of the program on a   Full-Time basis (pro-rata for Part-Time)




(Only for up to 60 working days of the candidature provision
and for medically substantiated periods of illness over the course of the scholarship tenure)

Internship Leave

MRes Yr2/MPhil - Max. 60 working days

PhD - Max. 120 working days




(alternative stipends may apply for paid internships)


MRes Yr2 - Max. 3 months per request and no more than 6 months over   the course of the program on a Full-Time basis (pro-rata for Part-Time)

PhD/MPhil - Max. 6 months per request and no more than 12 months over   the course of the program on a Full-Time basis (pro-rata for Part-Time)




Leave is a period of non-enrolment in which your supervision, access to University facilities and scholarship payments, if applicable, are suspended.

Applications are reserved for exceptional circumstances beyond a student's control and must be supported by your Principal Supervisor and Head of Department. Such reasons include illness, maternity, or family responsibilities. You must provide documentation to support your leave application, such as a medical certificate.

Ensure that you read Part C of the  HDR Variations to Candidature Policy, which has detailed explanation regarding different types of leave entitlements for various circumstances that affect the standard period of candidature. Different programs have different entitlements.

If you are intending to apply for Internship Leave, please ensure that you have first contacted for the necessary internship agreements to be completed.

To request for leave:

  • Log in to eStudent 
  • Click in the Forms tile
  • Search for the 'HDR Request for Leave' form
  • Complete the form

International students must notify the Graduate Research Academy of any planned leave as soon as possible. The University is required by the Australian Government to inform the Department of Home Affairs of any changes to enrolment within 31 days.

Scholarship holders should check their Conditions of Award [PDF 172KB] before applying for Leave.

Returning from leave

You will be automatically re-enrolled into your program when your leave ends, subject to any outstanding fees.

If you are planning on returning earlier from leave, please email as soon as possible so that your record can be amended. If you need to extend your leave, then you will need to submit a new 'HDR Request for Leave’ eForm via your eStudent account as above.

If your scholarship was suspended during your leave period, and you are entitled for the stipend payments to continue on resumption of your studies, you will need to ensure that your bank details are up to date in eStudent. You will also need to ensure that you email confirming that you are returning as planned. Failure to do so may result in delayed payment of your stipend.

For further information about leave entitlements, refer to the Variation Provision table in the first accordion above.

Students are expected to plan their research so they can meet their Expected Work Submission (EWS) date at the same time as other obligations they might have, both inside and outside the University. If you are unsure of your current EWS and consumed EFTSL, check your Research Summary in eStudent . The Research Summary can be found in the “My Overview” tile of eStudent. If you need help, watch this eStudent Tutorial.

Students can apply for extensions only in exceptional circumstances, where serious and unavoidable circumstances arise after enrolment that have affected their ability to commit fully to their studies.

Extension to EWS date may be requested only in the last 6 months of the candidature for PhD/MPhil or in the last 3 months of candidature for MRes Y2 students. To request an extension to your EWS:

  • Log in to eStudent 
  • Click in the Forms tile
  • Search for the 'HDR - Request to Extend EWS Date' form
  • Complete the form

Exceptional circumstances include illness, misadventure and carer responsibilities. Note that approval of extension is not automatic. You will also be required to provide supporting documentation such as an updated Completion Plan, confirmation from a funding or cotutelle partner that the extension is approved and/or medical documentation (if applicable to your request).

There are no options to extend scholarships beyond the maximum period outlined in your offer letter*.

Ensure that you read Part D of the HDR Variations to Candidature Policy, which outlines the period of time an extension can be granted for. Different programs have different entitlements.

Any requests for extension must be discussed with and supported by your supervisor before submitting the eForm.

After submission of the eForm, your request will go to your supervisor and Departmental Approver. You will receive an email notification confirming that your extension request has been completed and recorded in our Student Management System.

*Unless applied for and approved via the HDR COVID-19 Extension Scholarship Scheme

Application lodging deadline

You must lodge an application at least four (4) weeks before your current Expected Work Submission (EWS) date.

Extensions for international students

If you are an International student holding a student visa, and your extension is approved, the Graduate Research Academy (GRA) will issue you with an updated CoE to cover the extension period. With the change in the duration of study program,students may need to purchase additional OSHC and extend their student visa. Please contact the Department of Home Affairs for visa advice.

Note that all International students who are approved an extension of EWS date in accordance with the HDR Variations to Candidature Policy will be charged a flat rate of AU$2000 for a 3 month extension as a write up fee (International Out of Time fee or “iOOT” fee). Further information and FAQs are available on the HDR Fees webpage under the International tab.

Thesis not submitted / extension not approved

  • Master of Research: If your thesis is submitted late, you will be penalised one percentage point from your final MRes thesis grade per calendar day until your thesis is submitted. Submission will be taken as the date your thesis is submitted electronically via the portal.
  • MPhil/PhD: If you do not submit your thesis by your Expected Work Submission date, your enrolment will cease. On cessation of enrolment, you will immediately lose access to the library, information and communication technology (ICT) resources, faculty research facilities and supervisory support. Refer to Part F of the HDR Variations to Candidature Policy.


If you are approved for re-admission following withdrawal/discontinuance after having consumed your full EFTSL entitlement, a period of enrolment sufficient for satisfactory completion of the thesis and submission will be determined by the University and will not exceed 3 months (full time equivalent).

Re-admitted international students will be liable for the iOOT fee for the additional period of candidature.

Refer to Part H of the HDR Variations to Candidature Policy.

A supervisory panel can go through a variety of changes: you may be changing Principal supervisor as your research is evolving, or adding an associate or adjunct supervisor for additional expertise. All changes to your supervisory panel must be recorded centrally, so you must submit a Change of Supervisor eForm through eStudent.

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Students are required to have a minimum of two supervisors appointed to their supervisory panel: the Principal Supervisor and Associate Supervisor.

Master of Research (MRes)

Students are required to have a minimum of two supervisors appointed to their supervisory panel: the MRes Supervisor and Associate MRes Supervisor.

Any changes to your supervisory panel should be discussed with and supported by your current supervisor before submitting the eForm.

Note that supervisors must meet the minimum standards for appointment to respective roles. Find more information on the HDR Supervision Policy.

After submission of the eForm, your request will go to your supervisor. You will receive an email notification confirming that the change of supervision has been completed and recorded in our Student Management System.

Students can apply to transfer (upgrade) between Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) after a minimum of one year and a maximum of one and a half years (or part-time equivalent) following enrolment in the MPhil.

To request a transfer, students should complete and submit the Transfer Application form [PDF 108KB].

The closing date for receipt of transfer applications for the first enrolment period is 7 February and for the second enrolment period is 7 August. Transfer applications received after these dates will, if successful, take effect from the next enrolment period.

For further information, see the Higher Degree Research Transfer policy.

If the direction and topic of your research have changed and you have a new thesis title, you must submit a Change of Thesis Title eForm through eStudent.

If you are a citizen of a sanctioned nation, your supervisor must complete an Autonomous Sanction Questionnaire (ASQ) to undertake a risk assessment to ensure your research does not breach any of Australia's international sanctions. Your supervisor will upload this to your eForm after you have submitted it.

Note: Iranian students holding Australian student visas (subclass 500) must obtain approval from the Department of Home Affairs if they are planning on changing their thesis or research topic. This is in accordance with visa conditions 8203 and 8204.

Any changes to your thesis title/topic should be discussed with and supported by your current supervisor before submitting the eForm.

If you are a Cotutelle/Joint Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Co-Funded student, ensure you notify your partner institution about the change in your thesis title/topic.

After submission of the eForm, your request will go to your supervisor. You will receive an email notification confirming that the change of title has been completed and recorded in our Student Management System.

Students are enrolled full time unless otherwise approved, as defined in the GR Rules.

Students may apply to change from Full-time (FT) to Part-time (PT) at any point in candidature (or vice versa). However, in the final enrolment period the request to convert enrolment mode must be made prior to the census date of the enrolment period.

Conversion is permanent until the student re-applies to change enrolment mode.

To request a change of attendance:

  • Log in to eStudent
  • Click in the Forms tile
  • Search for the 'HDR - Request to Change Attendance'
  • Complete the form.

After submission of the eForm, your request will go to your supervisor and Departmental Approver. You will receive an email notification confirming that your request has been completed and recorded in our Student Management System.

International students holding a student visa must be enrolled full time as per their visa conditions. Part Time enrolment will only be considered in compassionate or compelling circumstances.

As per the Conditions of Award, stipend holders are only permitted to continue to be paid a part-time award in exceptional circumstances.

BPhil/ MRes Y1 Unit selection

Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil)/ Master of Research (MRes) Year 1 students must complete their unit enrolment via eStudent.

You should only enrol into approved units, and when withdrawing from units ensure you speak with an advisor on how this will impact your Study Plan.

Before enrolling into your units

  • Read the information on Unit Information and Enrolment Patterns, and view the available units in Macquarie’s Course Handbook (search for Bachelor of Philosophy and select your faculty).
  • Complete a HDR Unit Selection for BPhil / MRes Form via your eStudent to plan your unit selections, in consultation with your MRes Advisor/Director. The Advisor/Director must approve your unit selection and you should only enrol into approved units to ensure your units form a coherent study plan.

To submit a HDR Unit Selection for BPhil/MRes Form:

  • Log in to eStudent
  • Click in the Forms tile
  • Search for the ‘HDR Unit Selection for BPhil/MRes’
  • Complete the form

Note: Students from the Faculty of Medicine, Health, and Human Sciences must have their USF approved by their Faculty MRes Director. Students from all other Faculties should seek approval of their discipline’s MRes Advisor only.

Enrolling into you units

Once your HDR Unit Selection for BPhil/ MRes Form has been approved by your MRes Advisor/MRes Director, you will receive an email notification confirming that your request has been approved. You will then need to proceed to enrol into your units via eStudent.

There are a series of tutorials available in eStudent on how to enrol:

Adding and changing units/advanced topic

  • You must finalise your enrolment into units within two (2) weeks of the start of the relevant session. No changes will be accepted after this date.
  • If the change in unit falls into a higher, Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) contribution band, you will have to pay the difference in fees on the same day as enrolment into the new unit (unless you have chosen to defer your payment to HECS-HELP). If the new unit is in a lower HECS contribution band, you may seek a refund (or it will be adjusted for your deferred payment). Alternatively, the credit balance may be used to cover fees for the next session.

Withdrawing from a unit/advanced topic

  • To withdraw without penalty, you must withdraw prior to the relevant session’s Census Date. This is regarded as ‘Early Withdrawal’. You will not receive any academic or financial liability and no mark will be recorded against the unit on your official academic transcript.
  • Students who withdraw from a unit after the unit Census Date, but on or before the Last Withdrawal without Fail Date, will be regarded as 'Withdrawn' (W). No academic penalty is associated with a withdrawn status and this will not be included in the calculation of your Weighted Average Mark (WAM). You will remain financially liable for the unit.
  • You are unable to withdraw after the Last Withdrawal without Fail Date. Your final result for the unit will be available on the result publication date.
  • If you are seeking to withdrawal without financial or academic penalty, you must do so in accordance with the information on the Withdraw without penalty page.

PhD HDRT/HDCC Unit Selection

PhD students who are enrolling in any additional HDRT/HDCC units must have approval for enrolment and such enrolment is processed by the Graduate Research Academy (GRA). Once approved, any additional units can be added to the student’s program of study without additional fees (with some exceptions), provided such units are essential to the student’s research program.

Research students are permitted to enrol in only one additional four-credit-point coursework unit per semester. All enquiries concerning content, availability and timetabling of coursework units should be directed to the relevant Department or Faculty of registration.

To make change/s to your program you are required to complete the HDR Unit Selection for PhD Students Form via eStudent.

To submit a HDR Unit Selection for PhD Students Form:

  • Log in to eStudent 
  • Click in the Forms tile
  • Search for the ‘HDR Unit Selection for PhD Students Form' form, and
  • Complete the form

Once the HDR Unit Selection for PhD Students Form has been approved, you will be manually enrolled into these units by GRA, and you will receive a notification when the enrolment is completed.

International students

As a student visa holder, you are required to complete your course within the time frame reflected on your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). If you experience academic difficulties or situations which are considered to be compassionate or compelling, you may be eligible to reduce your study load. Contact for information.

Offsite enrolment is a mode of enrolment where the student lives permanently (greater than 6 months) outside reasonable commuting distance to the University’s Wallumattagal campus. Students and supervisors will have frequent contact via online or other digital means.

The University requires confirmation that the research being conducted offsite has all the required approvals (e.g. ethics or third party), including those that align to MQ's COVIDsafe plan. Note that approval to enrol on an offsite basis does not always mean automatic insurance cover for the student, as it will depend on the nature and duration of the research.

Students who wish to enrol on an offsite basis have to complete and submit a Request for Offsite Enrolment form [PDF 294KB] and must not commence any research activities without written permission from the PVC Graduate Research.

Students on scholarship may have restrictions on the amount of time they can spend offsite and should check their conditions of award.

For further information about offsite research enrolment, see the Offsite Research Enrolment Policy.

The following guidelines apply as a condition of all approved offsite enrolment:

  1. MQ Graduate Research courses are normally offered on campus, on a face to face basis, except in extraordinary circumstances where the situation of the student prevents attendance to campus, such as the closure of Australia’s national and state borders.
  2. Requests to enrol on an offsite basis are to be made in writing via this form, and require endorsement of the Supervisor, Department and Faculty.
  3. Requests to enrol on an offsite basis are subject to approval of the GRA and are not automatic.
  4. The research project must be designed such that the student can carry out their research and maintain progress towards timely completion of the degree, and if travel to Australia is not feasible, that completion of the program is viable offsite.
  5. All requests for offsite enrolment must be accompanied by a detailed timeline of activities for the period offsite requested.
  6. Where a student and supervisor have not met in person, the supervisor must confirm that at minimum a Skype/Zoom interview has taken place with the student.
  7. The student must provide a detailed description of their workspace, including access to internet, computer and other resources required for their research.
  8. A robust plan for communication must be documented and agreed to by the student and supervisory team. This is to include mode and frequency of communication that factors in any time zone differences, as well as a contingency plan should issues arise (i.e. if one party stops responding to messages or fails to meet appointments).
  9. Students who are approved to enrol offsite, must send certified and/or original copies of their personal and academic documentation (e.g. certified passport and testamur copy and original copies of academic transcripts) when requested, before the enrolment will be processed.
  10. Departments must, to the best of their ability, put structures in place to ensure the equivalent experience for offsite student as those attending campus, including (for example) online access to induction programs and seminars, workshops and graduate research communities.
  11. Students enrolling on an offsite basis as a result of COVID-19 and the closure of Australia’s borders are expected to relocate to Sydney to complete their program at the earliest opportunity available, and should apply for a student visa as soon as they are issued with a CoE, even if they are unable to travel.
  12. MQ will ensure that all normal processing of CoEs and documentation required for visa applications is provided in a timely manner to students.
  13. The GRA reserves the right to withhold stipend payments to scholarship recipients who are enrolling on an offsite basis until they arrive in Australia, in accordance with the Letter of Offer and appended Conditions of Award.
  14. Students who are approved to enrol on an offsite basis without a stipend (living allowance) must describe how they are going to meet their living costs while studying on a full-time basis. The GRA may recommend on a case by case basis that students enrol part-time.
  15. Students who are approved to commence their program offsite must submit a progress report quarterly, including the Annual Progress Report, in addition to the standard milestones (i.e. Protocol or Confirmation of Candidature).
  16. Both student and supervisory teams must commit to notifying the University (GRA) as soon as it becomes apparent that the circumstances of the student are no longer viable for research to continue in an offsite capacity.
  17. Offsite enrolment in this context applies to cotutelle or joint PhD students commencing their MQ period on an offsite basis (away from MQ campus).

COVID-19 research FAQS

Current research requirements and practices are detailed on the information for research staff page and are updated regularly. This includes current approvals required for research off campus, in other countries, and face to face research involving Human Participants. Please note that all research involving at risk populations off campus requires approval from the COVIDSafe team.

International SOS

All students approved to work outside Australia should register with International SOS using Macquarie University’s provider code. iSOS provides access to intelligence and information services with up to date medical and security information in international locations. Advice including counselling support in local languages is also available.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Offsite Research Enrolment does not apply to students undertaking research related travel, fieldwork or collaboration activities away from campus for less than six (6) months. Approval of short term (less than six (6) months) research related activities away from the Wallumattagal campus should be approved via the relevant Faculty processes, with notification to the Graduate Research Academy.

If your residency details have changed, you must show proof of your new residency to Macquarie University by the next relevant census date for the change to take effect. For any students making upfront payments to the University, you should try to show proof of this change earlier to have the correct fees printed on your Statement of Charges by the relevant payment due date.

To request for Change of Residency in accordance with the instructions:

  • Log in to eStudent 
  • Click in the Forms tile
  • Search for the 'HDR- Request for Change of Residency Status' form
  • Complete the form

If you obtain Australian citizenship, please use the same eForm above and ensure that you submit a copy of your notarised citizenship certificate along with your eForm.

Withdrawal from candidature is a complete discontinuation of studies.

Before withdrawing you should first consult your principal supervisor and your department.

  • Bachelor of Philosophy/Master of Research Y1: For total withdrawal from BPhil program, complete a Change of Units and Advanced Topics form [PDF 138KB], obtain your Department MRes Advisor’s approval and then submit the form to GRA via email to
  • Master of Research Y2, MPhil or PhD: If you still wish to proceed with withdrawal, you must complete the ‘HDR - Request to Withdraw’ eform via eStudent. Failure to do so will result in your candidature continuing, thereby impacting tuition fees and any future enrolment tenure. Withdrawals cannot be backdated. Your withdrawal date will be the date you notified the University of your withdrawal by submitting the form.

International students must notify the Graduate Research Academy (GRA) of their withdrawal as soon as possible. The University is required by the Australian Government to inform the Department of Home Affairs of any changes to enrolment within seven (7) days.

Where a student has consumed their entire EFTSL allocation and withdraws, they may apply to be re-admitted for submission of their thesis within two years of withdrawal. Re-enrolling international students may be charged tuition fees. Refer to section 5.8 of the HDR Variations to Candidature Policy.

The Graduate Research Academy (GRA) is required to report your changes in candidature to the Department of Home Affairs within 31 days. Before submitting a change request, you should review the terms and conditions for your visa, contact the Department of Home Affairs for advice and ensure that you comply with them and follow their advice.

For specific information about the impact of a change to candidature, refer to the relevant section above.

Applying for Visa Extension due to COVID-19

The Department of Home Affairs may waive your Student Visa Application fee if you held a student visa on or after 1 February 2020 and your visa extension is due to the impacts of COVID-19. Further information is available on the Department of Home Affairs website.

If you require Form 1545, please contact the Graduate Research Academy Candidature Team at Please note that Macquarie University can only provide you with Form 1545 if your approved Leave of Absence or Extension to EWS date was due to the impacts of COVID-19 and your eCoE end date is within 3 months of your current visa expiry date.

The COVID-19 Extension scholarships scheme closed 12am (AEDST) 31 December 2023. Applications submitted after 31 December 2023 or with scholarship expiry dates after 30 June 2024, will not be accepted. All Graduate Research students remain eligible for standard EWS date extension provisions in accordance with the Graduate Research Changes to Candidature Policy.

The COVID-19 extension scholarship scheme is open to current PhD scholarship holders funded by Macquarie University, who have experienced extreme disruption to their research program as a direct result of COVID-19. Requests for an extension are not guaranteed and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the PVC Graduate Research.

If approved, the scholarship will include a stipend and, where relevant, international tuition fees for a maximum of 3 months. You may apply for this scholarship when you are within the last 6 months of your scholarship tenure. Applications are open to students who enrolled prior to 01 July 2021, will be open until 31 December 2023.

To apply:

  • Log in to eStudent 
  • Click in the Forms tile
  • Search for the 'HDR - COVID-19 Extension Scholarship Scheme' form
  • Complete the form.

You must be able to demonstrate extreme disruption by detailing: (1) the impact of COVID-19 on fieldwork, experimentation, and data collection; and (2) that mitigation strategies were considered but alternative work could not continue. This disruption must be documented in your APR and have the support of your supervisor. See below for examples of extreme disruption.

If you were exempt from the most recent Annual Progress Report then you may be asked to provide evidence you have documented the impact of COVID in an online COVID Impact Record (also completed as an eForm in eStudent).

If your EWS date and current scholarship expiry coincide and your application is approved, you will be granted a corresponding extension of EWS date, and do not need to complete and additional ‘Request to Extend EWS’ eform. After this, additional extensions of candidature will be considered in accordance with the HDR Variations to Candidature Policy and the 'Request to Extend EWS Date' eForm.

If you are unsure of your current EWS, consumed EFTSL and scholarship(s) end date, check your record in eStudent. The Research Summary can be found in the “My Overview” tile, and scholarship information can be found in the “My Details” tile. If you need help, watch this eStudent Tutorial.

Guidance Notes on Extreme Disruption Due to COVID-19

  1. A student has been unable to access critical research resources (such as museum or library collections, laboratories, access to research collaborators) and has been unable to modify research program to mitigate the impact of this disruption.
  2. A student carries out their research on vulnerable populations (such as the elderly, children or indigenous populations) and access to these populations has been severely limited as a result of the pandemic. These impacts are time sensitive and could not be mitigated through modifications to program timelines or online participation.
  3. A student’s research involves field work that must be carried out in a location that is directly impacted by national or international travel restrictions.
  4. A student may have been able to continue working on their research, but due to the pause of face to face research or restricted access to campus/resources the research direction had to be adjusted to the extent that it is clear the student could no longer complete within the original timeframe.
  5. The personal or health impact of COVID-19 has resulted in a level of disruption that cannot be accommodated fully through existing variation mechanisms, such as paid carers leave, paid sick leave etc. This might include impacts on emotional or physical health and well being.
  6. A student was unable to work effectively during the lockdown, as a result of significant restrictions in their living accommodation. This might include limited access to the internet, absence of suitable technology or unsuitable working space. A student would have to show how such disruptions went beyond the typical challenges associated with working in a home rather than an office environment.

All information provided by students will be treated confidentially. Where requests are based on health reasons, students are not required to disclose personal details of their health. However, medical certificates should indicate the impact on the student’s ability to carry out their research for the period specified.

The GRA has introduced an interim progress report tool for students and supervisors. Interim progress reports are a formal, but short report on a student’s progress over the last enrolment period (usually 3 months) and an updated plan for the following three months. Interim progress reports are not a standard requirement, but may be mandatory in the following circumstances:

  1. Students who have been approved to enrol on an offsite basis (away from MQ Campus) due to travel restrictions as a result of COVID-19 must complete an Interim Progress Report every three months from their enrolment date, as a condition of their continued enrolment in the program, in addition to the standard progress milestones required in your Faculty.
  2. Students who have been approved to recommence their research on an offsite basis (away from MQ Campus) due to the impact of COVID-19 must complete an Interim Progress Report every three months from the commencement of their offsite research period.
  3. Students who have been recommended for Department or Faculty Review may be asked to complete an Interim Progress Report as part of an intervention strategy to allow the student and supervisory panel to closely monitor progress.

To complete:

  • Log in to eStudent 
  • Complete an ‘Interim Progress Report’ eform.