Withdraw without penalty

  1. Students
  2. Study
  3. Changing your course
  4. Withdrawing from units
  5. Withdraw without penalty

Withdraw from units without penalty due to special circumstances

If you experienced circumstances that prevented you from successfully passing or completing a unit, you may be eligible to withdraw without penalty.

If granted, your grade will be removed from your academic record, and you will receive one of the following financial remediations:

  • remission of a HECS-HELP debt and/or refund of upfront student contribution
  • re-crediting of a FEE-HELP balance
  • remission of a FEE-HELP debt
  • refund or reversal of tuition fees

Before you apply

Here are some things to be mindful of before applying to withdraw from units without penalty:

  • If you withdrew from a unit after census date, you remain liable for the Student Services and Amenities Fee as its liability is based on your enrolment load at census date. This applies even if a refund has been given for withdrawal due to special circumstances
  • Your application could be cancelled if there is insufficient supporting information

Note: Passed units are not eligible for Withdrawal Without Penalty.

To be eligible you must:

  • apply within 12 months of the date of withdrawal from the unit or, if you did not withdraw from the unit, within 12 months of the study period result publication date
  • provide supporting documentation
  • demonstrate the circumstances:
    • were beyond your control
    • didn’t make their full impact until on, or after the census date for the unit of study, and
    • made it impractical to complete the requirements for the unit during the period for which you undertook, or were to undertake, the unit