International student enrolment

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  4. International student enrolment

Enrolment process and support for international students

We've outlined the steps you need to follow to enrol into a course at Macquarie University as an international student.

Before you enrol

In order to enrol as an international student, you need to make sure you:

  • Accept the offer for the course by signing the letter of offer and returning it, along with all other required documents, to the International Admissions team by email, or via your authorised agent.
  • Complete mandatory tasks on eStudent under the ‘My Tasks’ tile.

Your Student ID

Your eight digit Student ID is at the top of your offer letter. This is necessary for you to enrol. If you are a new student, you need to activate your Student ID to access Macquarie University systems.


To get started, we recommend that you review your First Year Enrolment Guide. This will contain a list of the recommended units you should study in your first session at Macquarie.

When choosing units for your first session/year, you will need to consider:

  • the unit level – most students will enrol in 1000 level units for their first year
  • whether you have met the prerequisites
  • the study period the unit is offered in, whether the unit is offered in multiple study periods
  • whether the unit meets your course requirements
  • your unit load and personal commitments

Note: As an international student, you are required to enrol in a full-time study load. For details regarding study requirements while on a Student Visa, please refer to the Student Visa Conditions page.

Tip: Your course orientation session in O Week will cover important information, so make sure you check your emails in the couple of weeks leading up to session to register.

Once you have chosen your unit, enrolment into units can be completed via eStudent. Follow the below steps to enrol in units.

  1. Log in to eStudent.
  2. Click on the 'My Study’ tile. This will take you to either the ‘Academic History’ screen or the ‘Manage My Course’ screen of your course.
  3. Select ‘Plan and Enrol’ next to your admitted course. All the units that are available or have been added to your study plan will be listed on the left column as ‘Unscheduled’. This means a study period has not been selected for the unit. This section also displays unit information such as unit code and name, whether its ‘Core’ or ‘Option’ unit, its credit point worth and any unsatisfied pre-requisites.
  4. Now add a study period, click on ‘Plan a study period’, select year and study period. It will create a new column for that study period, and you can simply drag and drop units from ‘Unscheduled’ column to that study period column. If the drag and drop is successful this means the unit is scheduled for that study period, otherwise a message will pop-up to indicate that the unit is unavailable in that study period.
  5. To complete enrolment for each planned unit for a specific study period, click on the 'enrol' button at the top right of that study period column.
  6. If you don’t have any pending mandatory tasks, you can simply click ‘confirm’. Otherwise, complete the tasks and then click ‘finish’ button to return to your ‘Plan and Enrol’ screen to finalise your enrolment.

Further information

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