Session 1 2025 Fees

  1. Students
  2. Finances
  3. Fees
  4. Session 1 2025 Fees

Due dates and fee information

The Session 1 2025 payment due date is Friday 21 February 2025.

It is important that you pay or defer your fees by this payment due date.

2025 legislative changes for domestic students

There have been important legislative changes for 2025 that will impact the fees of domestic students. If you are a domestic student, make sure you understand these changes.

You can find more information about this on our legislation changes to fees page.

Payment options

1. Pay your fees (students who are not eligible to defer fees to ATO)

Check the How to pay page for different payment methods.

Important information
  • If you have recently made a payment, your account will be updated within three business days.
  • If you need assistance with your fees, chat to Service Connect prior to the due date.
  • If you enrol in units after 21 February 2025, your new payment due date will be the same day you enrol.
  • A Late payment fee of $150 will be charged to your account if payment is received after the due date.

Students with Unpaid or Overdue debt will be impacted due to Non-Payment of Fees.

2. Defer your fees

Defer your fees to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) through the Higher Education Loan Program scheme (HELP) if you are an eligible student.

Eligible students are:

  • Australian Citizens, or
  • Permanent Humanitarian visa holders, or
  • New Zealand citizens who have been assessed as meeting the eligibility criteria

To be eligible to defer your fees you must complete the following by the Session 1 census date, 21 March 2025:

  • Lodge an approved HECS-HELP form (with tax file number) to defer your tuition fees only if you are in a Commonwealth Supported (CSP) course or
  • Lodge an approved FEE-HELP form (with tax file number) to defer your tuition fees only if you are in a Domestic Fee Paying course, and
  • Lodge an approved SA-HELP form to defer your Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) if applicable.

The SSAF is a non-academic fee which may be loaded onto your eStudent the day after enrolling in units. To find out if you are liable for this fee refer to the SSAF page.

For steps on how to complete the relevant HELP forms via eStudent, visit our eCAF webpage.

If you are a current student, continuing in the same course, and have already lodged HECS-HELP and SA-HELP forms, you are not required to re-submit these forms.

Please note: No Late fee will be charged if you meet the eligibility to defer your fees through HELP before census date by completing the above forms. For students who do not meet the eligibility criteria to defer their fees, a late fee will be applied for payment after the payment due date and face further implications of non-payment.

Change of Residency:

If you have changed your residency status, you must inform Macquarie University by the relevant census date as it may affect your fees.

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